Análises do sistema de negociação.
Qual é o melhor sistema de negociação forex no mercado no momento? Qual sistema de comércio gratuito irá obter os resultados que você precisa e que vai comer no capital. Leia todos os nossos comentários abaixo e veja quais sistemas estão saindo no topo.
Não é um conceito ruim, mas requer um certo nível de conhecimento do comerciante para tornar lucrativo.
Definitivamente, um dos melhores sistemas de negociação no mercado.
Leia tudo sobre isso agora!
Um sistema de comércio honesto, embora possa não se adequar a todos.
sistema de negociação de um GGGGG.
Black Dog Forex Trading System.
sistema de negociação a.
Avaliação. Esta classificação pode mudar à medida que testamos o sistema ainda mais, mas a classificação atual é baseada na revisão exteranl e comerciante independente que você pode ler seguindo o link abaixo.
Indicador secreto Forex de Karl Dittmann & # 8217;
Karl Dittmann & # 8217; s Dow Never Perder Trade.
sistema de negociação a.
Karl Dittmann & # 8217; s Stock Index Secret Trade.
sistema de negociação a.
A Great Trading Systems concedeu.
sistema de negociação a.
foi analisado, em vez de revisado, pelos indicadores que usa e você pode.
Great Trading Systems teve Megadroid na sua posse há algum tempo agora. No entanto, tornou-se mais claro que a EA executa muito diferente em diferentes corretores e # 8217; plataforma metatrader. Isso está dificultando a revisão genuína da capacidade do sistema para ganhar dinheiro. À luz disso, fizemos uma revisão classificando várias opiniões de comerciantes na internet.
Por causa dos problemas, Great Trading Systems deixou Megadroid sem classificação.
Achei que valia a pena escrever algumas palavras sobre este teste gratuito, pois achei muito bom para ... bem # 8230;.free!
O GTS dá uma classificação GGGGG.
Achei que também valia a pena escrever algumas palavras sobre esta versão gratuita.
GTS dá uma classificação GGGGG para fazer o que diz na lata. Se é bom o suficiente para você se separar do seu dinheiro é outro assunto.
O que acontece quando eu envio meu sistema para revisão?
Seu sistema será revisado por um pequeno painel de comerciantes que estará procurando simplesmente & # 8220; faz o que diz na lata & # 8221 ;. Isso pode envolver alguns testes de back-up manual das regras e desempenho e também alguns testes para testar a pratica do sistema, ou seja, você pode obter as entradas / saídas que são declaradas no sistema. Os resultados serão então discutidos com você antes de serem publicados ao longo de um resumo do seu sistema nesta seção.
Por que você deseja enviar seu sistema de negociação para revisão?
Há muitos sistemas lá fora do que não é muito difícil e você precisa separar-se deles e, se você tiver um sistema no qual você acredita.
Se você enviar seu sistema de negociação para revisão, você terá o direito de fornecer um link gratuito para o ponto de venda do seu sistema de negociação. Em outras palavras, publicidade gratuita.
Mais importante ainda, a revisão será independente. Existem tantos & # 8220; sistema & # 8221; Os provedores que têm comentários, mas quando você olha para eles, eles não parecem tão independentes. Um excelente exemplo é para um sistema chamado forex avenger. Se você fizer uma busca no Google, verá que há toneladas de críticas. Eles geralmente afirmam algo excelente como "aguardar por não comprar vencedor forex até você ler este # 8221 ;. Naturalmente, você está esperando uma revisão negativa, mas depois lê mais como um guia de 5 estrelas de como tudo é tão bom no sistema. Mas quando há vários sites fazendo a mesma revisão, torna-se um pouco óbvio. Esperemos que seja aí que o GTS será diferente. Nós forneceremos uma revisão honesta e, enquanto a revisão corresponder ao que o provedor está anunciando, iremos adicioná-lo à lista. Simples. E não se preocupe, não esperamos sistemas completamente perfeitos e não acredito que existam. Os sistemas negociáveis reais irão fazer.
Se você quiser enviar seu sistema de negociação forex para revisão, entre em contato.
Bem, esteja aceitando sistemas para revisão a partir de 1 de julho de 2009.
Assinatura LIVRE de Sistemas de Negociação.
Preencha o formulário abaixo para inscrever-se no nosso boletim informativo e nós lhe deixaremos uma linha quando novos indicadores e consultores especializados forem adicionados. E você pode ter certeza de saber que você será o primeiro a saber quando fizemos uma revisão de um novo sistema de negociação.
Nossa política de privacidade rígida mantém seu endereço de e-mail 100% seguro e seguro.
Categorias de artigos.
Artigos que você pode gostar.
Contribuindo para o nosso site.
Estamos sempre à procura de idéias e estratégias comerciais novas e inteligentes.
Nós amamos sistemas de negociação mecânica e qualquer coisa Metatrader.
Se você acha que tem algo que vale a pena compartilhar, entre em contato.
Por favor, não aceitamos artigos para fins de marketing e quaisquer conceitos de negociação devem ser únicos.
Top 10 Melhor Análise de Mercado de Valores Análise de Software 2018.
Bem-vindo ao mais detalhado Stock Trading Software Review na web, comparamos mais de 800 recursos diferentes e amp; funções dos melhores produtos de análise de mercado disponíveis.
Por quê? Então, você pode escolher o melhor pacote disponível para se adequar ao seu estilo e orçamento de investimento. Não só você descobrirá quais softwares melhor se adequam ao seu estilo de negociação, você poderá comparar todos os benefícios, recursos e preços.
A revisão dos programas de software da bolsa de 2018.
Para obter uma vantagem no mercado de ações, você precisa de uma sólida educação, experiência, paciência e também as melhores ferramentas.
Em 2018, analisamos mais de 30 produtos de fornecedores e, em última instância, filtramos até 10 ofertas de software altamente avaliadas de gigantes da indústria para novos operadores.
Foi um ótimo ano em termos de inovação e vemos alguns novos concorrentes no top 10, incluindo o TradingView & amp; EquityFeed, empurrando para a posição entre nossos gigantes estabelecidos como Worden TC2000, MetaStock & amp; Tradestation.
E é uma surpresa esperando & # 8230;
7 Tough Rounds of Reviews & amp; Comparações.
Clique na rodada para ir para a seção.
Rodada 1: Preço & amp; Software & # 8211; Custo & amp; Qualidade do Software & amp; Customer Service Round 2: Trade Management & # 8211; Integração do corretor & # 8211; Live Trading From Charts & amp; Gerenciamento de posição Rodada 3: Fundamentos da empresa Screening Integration Round 4: News Services & amp; Integração Social Rodada 5: Análise Técnica & # 8211; Gráficos, indicadores e amp; Ferramentas de desenho Round 6: Stock Systems, Backtesting & amp; Robotic Trading (Automation) Round 7: facilidade de uso, intuitivo, instalação simples e amp; Experiência geral do usuário Final Bell: E the Winners Are & # 8230;
O tipo de comerciante / investidor, você define o produto que é o melhor para você.
(Clique no seu estilo de investimento abaixo para saltar para o melhor atendimento do produto às suas necessidades)
Rodada 1: Preço & amp; Software & # 8211; Custo & amp; Qualidade do Software & amp; Serviço ao cliente.
Resultados da Rodada 1 e # 8211; Preço & amp; Software & # 8211; Vencedores.
Esta rodada foi extremamente competitiva com 4 vendedores liderando o pacote, mas não por uma ampla margem.
TradingView & # 8211; 10/10.
O TradingView oferece 4 pacotes, começando gratuitamente para uma versão limitada do conjunto de ferramentas e passando para pacotes de preço extremamente competitivo, como Pro por US $ 9,95, Pro + por US $ 19,95 e Premium por US $ 39,95 por mês.
Eu recomendaria a assinatura Pro, pois permite quase tudo o que você precisa. Se você quiser os gráficos e ampères propagados intraday; conversas personalizadas optam pelo Pro +. Em qualquer caso, experimente-o completamente grátis e brinque com ele para ver se você gosta.
O TradingView é executado em PC, Mac, Tablets e Smartphones e requer Instalação Zero, ele simplesmente funciona.
Os dados do mercado são enormes, cobrindo quase todos os mercados de ações e inclui o Futures, Foreign Exchange & amp; Obrigações, tudo sem preço extra, o que significa um excelente custo-benefício combinado com excelentes opções de suporte.
MetaStock & # 8211; 10/10.
O MetaStock começa com um preço bastante razoável de US $ 22 por mês, que desbloqueia todo o pacote e, como você verá, é um excelente pacote, incluindo feeds de notícias em tempo real da Reuters e análise técnica premiada e consultores especializados para backtesting e análises do sistema.
É projetado apenas para o PC, mas pode ser executado no Mac com software de emulação de PC. Você precisará baixar e instalar o MetaStock e configurar seus feeds de dados específicos para os mercados que deseja negociar. Portanto, a instalação do software não é tão lisa e rápida como concorrentes, mas o pacote é extremamente poderoso.
O MetaStock possui uma varredura limpa em termos de Bolsas de Valores cobertas (por exemplo, todas) e abrange TODOS os veículos, ações, ETF & # 8217; s Fundos Mútuos, Opções, Futuros Forex e Obrigações.
TC2000 & # 8211; 10/10.
Os Irmãos do Worden continuam suas formas vencedoras, que preços muito competitivos começam com apenas US $ 10 para o pacote de prata. Eu recomendaria o ouro para começar com a obtenção de um mecanismo de alertas mais poderoso e desbloquear o enorme poder do Técnico & amp; Escaneamento e filtragem fundamentais para os quais o TC2000 é famoso.
O TC2000 destina-se diretamente às ações de negociação, ETF & # 8217; s, fundos mútuos e opções, especificamente nos mercados americanos e canadenses.
O software é de primeira classe, é executado em PC, Mac e Tablets SmartPhones e requer configuração do Zero complexo. O suporte é excelente nos fóruns ou pelo telefone onde você começa a falar imediatamente com pessoal qualificado nos EUA
Se você não selecionou um corretor, você deve olhar para a TC2000 como uma opção, eles têm sua própria corretora com taxas extremamente competitivas, o que também significa que você obtém integração total para que você possa negociar Stocks & amp; Opções diretamente de seus gráficos, um enorme bônus.
TradeStation & # 8211; 10/10.
A TradeStation oferece todo o seu software & # 8211; TradeStation Analytics gratuitamente se você é um cliente de corretagem. Se você quiser apenas o software, custará US $ 249 por mês para dados do final do dia e US $ 349 para dados intraday em tempo real. Estes & # 8220; software apenas & # 8221; Os custos são elevados porque a TradeStation quer que você seja um cliente de corretagem. Mas por que não usá-los como seu corretor, suas taxas super baixas são excelentes.
A TradeStation possui cobertura global de dados e é executada em todas as plataformas e cobre todos os veículos, exceto títulos. Adicione a este ótimo serviço ao cliente e você tem um excelente pacote completo.
Rodada 2: Gestão Comercial & # 8211; Integração do corretor & # 8211; Live Trading From Charts & amp; Gerenciamento de posição.
Resultados da Rodada 2 e # 8211; Vencedores de Gerenciamento de Comércio.
Existem 3 vencedores claros nesta seção, aqueles que oferecem integração direta entre a execução do gráfico e o comércio.
TC2000 & # 8211; 10/10.
Os Worden Brothers fazem uma varredura limpa quando se trata de gerenciamento de comércio, com integração completa do Broker (desde que você os escolha como seu corretor).
O TC2000 também oferece operações fantásticas de negociação e integração, você pode digitalizar e filtrar em centenas de estratégias de opções e, em seguida, executar e segui-las diretamente das paradas.
Good Profit & amp; Rastreamento de perdas e amp; A análise encerra o pacote.
TradeStation & # 8211; 10/10.
A TradeStation novamente classifica 10/10, especialmente se você os escolher como seu corretor, mas eles se integram com outros corretores se você for a opção de software.
Uma implementação super lisa permite uma execução extremamente rápida e abre o potencial para a execução automatizada do sistema.
NinjaTrader & # 8211; 10/10.
O NinjaTrader possui uma enorme comunidade de usuários que contribuem para o desenvolvimento e aprimoramento do software. Isso leva a uma solução que pode se integrar com a TD Ameritrade, Interactive Brokers e outros corretores FX.
Se você escolher o NinjaTrader como seu corretor, você obterá a edição básica de graça e as vantagens da negociação a partir de gráficos e execução comercial automatizada.
Rodada 3: Integração de Fundamentos da Empresa.
Resultados da Rodada 3 e # 8211; Fundamentos & # 8211; Vencedores.
Esta rodada produziu 4 vencedores, todos empatados com 10 de 10, em rápido 7 dos 10 têm uma integração de princípios muito boa.
TradingView & # 8211; 10/10.
O TradingView tem um sistema muito liso e eles colocaram uma grande quantidade de pensamento em como os Fundamentos integram no sistema analítico.
As listas de observação têm fundamentos divididos em Desempenho, Avaliação, Dividendos, Margem, Demonstração de Resultados e Balanço Patrimonial. Você pode configurar a lista de vigilância e os filtros para atualizar cada minuto, se desejar.
O que faz com que TradeView se destaque é a enorme seleção de indicadores econômicos que você pode mapear e comparar em um gráfico. Por exemplo, você pode comparar a taxa de desemprego civil versus o crescimento dos lucros da empresa para os EUA. Isso é incrivelmente poderoso.
MetaStock & # 8211; 10/10.
O MetaStock é propriedade da Thomson Reuters, que é sem dúvida o maior e melhor provedor de notícias em tempo real e análise de mercado.
Eles também têm uma base de dados incrível de dados fundamentais globais, não apenas em empresas, mas em economias e indústrias. A filtragem & amp; As possibilidades de digitalização são infinitas. Gostaria de ver uma melhor integração na suíte do MetaStock, reunindo os fundamentos e a análise técnica para permitir uma melhor elaboração de gráficos nos fundamentos. No entanto, a riqueza de dados é de primeira classe.
Optuma & # 8211; 10/10.
O Optuma é direto, como você pode ver pelo preço, em comerciantes profissionais e gerentes de riqueza. Seus clientes são casas de investimento de nível 1 Wall Street. Mas você ainda pode aproveitar sua solução de primeira classe. Se você tem um feed Bloomberg já estabelecido, isso também oferece um novo mundo de dados e análises fundamentais. Esta fraca integração de fundamentos no gráfico e análise significa que esta é uma melhoria significativa em relação a um terminal da Bloomberg e os warrants são como vencedores da Rodada 3.
TC2000 & # 8211; 10/10.
Eu selecionei o TC2000 como minha ferramenta de escolha no ano 2000, porque ele ofereceu então, simplesmente a melhor implementação de digitalização fundamental, filtragem e classificação disponíveis no mercado. 17 anos depois, eles ainda são líderes nesta seção.
Eles oferecem uma grande variedade de fundamentos para escolher, mas o que o torna único é o fato de você, com alguns cliques, criar seus próprios indicadores com base nos fundamentos. Você pode sobrepor os indicadores diretamente nos gráficos, o que abre um mundo totalmente novo e análise técnica e fundamental. 10 de 10 para o TC2000 novamente.
Round 4: News Services & amp; Integração social.
Resultados da Rodada 4: Notícias e Integração social.
Na seção de notícias e social, existem apenas 2 vencedores, ambos por diferentes motivos. Leia mais para saber mais.
TradingView & # 8211; 10/10.
O TradingView é construído com o social na vanguarda. Sistemas de bate-papo totalmente integrados, fóruns de bate-papo e uma excelente maneira de compartilhar seus desenhos e análises com um único clique em qualquer grupo ou fórum.
Isso faz uma excelente maneira de gerar idéias ou aprender de outros comerciantes. Você deve tentar e vê-lo em ação para entender o poder da implementação.
Eles também integraram cuidadosamente um fluxo de notícias Kiplinger, Stocktwits e vários feeds de notícias FX. Com uma metodologia de desenvolvimento social primeiro, combinada com estatísticas econômicas poderosas e um fluxo de notícias sólido, é um ótimo pacote.
MetaStock & # 8211; 10/10.
Thomson Reuters, o rei do fluxo de notícias em tempo real e a cobertura de dados de mercado global é o proprietário do MetaStock, para que você obtenha toda a riqueza de conhecimento incluída no pacote. Isso não deve ser subestimado.
No entanto, o MetaStock não possui elementos sociais que, em circunstâncias normais, prejudicaria a pontuação, no entanto, porque os feeds de notícias são tão fortes que justificava ainda 10 de 10.
EquityFeed & # 8211; 9/10.
Em segundo lugar e definitivamente vale a pena mencionar este ano, a seção de notícias do negócio no EquityFeed.
Eu realmente gosto da implementação simples, você pode reduzir os contratos e os negócios atingidos entre as empresas. Isso pode lhe dar uma vantagem se você pode quantificar o impacto do negócio na linha inferior das empresas.
EquityFeed também tem um foco forte nas notícias, mas é decepcionado por não ter integração social.
Rodada 5: Análise Técnica & # 8211; Gráficos, indicadores e amp; Ferramentas de desenho.
Resultados da Rodada 5: Análise Técnica & # 8211; Gráficos & amp; Indicadores.
A seção de análise técnica é sempre extremamente dura e este ano a competição foi feroz. Temos 4 vencedores com 10 de 10, mas outros 3 com 9 de 10. Isso significa que qualquer pacote que você escolher, você estará bem coberto, qualquer um dos primeiros 7 na lista.
Vamos dar uma olhada nos vencedores.
MetaStock & # 8211; 10/10.
O MetaStock usa uma varredura limpa quando se trata de gráficos que cobrem todos os tipos de gráficos principais, mas também incluem Point & amp; Figura, Equivolume e gráficos de perfil de mercado.
Quando se trata de indicadores, o MetaStock possui mais de 300 tipos, incluindo Darvas Box e Ichimoku Cloud. O MetaStock também o ajudará a desenvolver você ganhou indicadores com base em seu sistema de codificação.
Finalmente, o MetaStock obtém uma pontuação perfeita na seção de ferramentas de desenho, que inclui as ferramentas Gann e Fibonacci.
TradingView & # 8211; 10/10.
O TradingView tem mais de 160 indicadores diferentes, abrangendo tudo o que você poderia precisar, a menos que você precise do Volume no Indicador de Preço.
Com a desvantagem em comparação com a concorrência, é um pouco fraco em ferramentas de desenho, oferecendo apenas Trend Lines, Pitchfork e XABCD Pattern.
Então, por que classifica tão alto e classifica como vencedor nesta seção?
Fiquei incrivelmente impressionado com a oferta de Kagi, Heikin Ashi e Renko Charts, incluindo Point & amp; Figura e Linha de quebra. Além disso, a comunidade de usuários desenvolveu indicadores tão exóticos quanto a Fase da Lua (veja a última revisão final para mais detalhes).
Com esta seleção de gráficos, você tem tudo que você precisa como comerciante avançado. Além disso, com a adesão Premium, você também obtém informações de Nível II, totalmente integradas. Bem-vindo TradingView.
Optuma & # 8211; 10/10.
Outro 10 perfeito para Optuma. Um conjunto fantástico (400+) de indicadores técnicos e ferramentas de desenho. Especializado em ferramentas Gann com uma suíte completa, incluindo Gann Grid Lines, Gann Fans e Gann Swing.
Também estão incluídas Elliott Wave e Darvas Box, o conjunto completo de indicadores exóticos estão presentes.
Para completar, eles também implementaram uma excelente suíte de análise astrológica como uma atualização para aqueles que acreditam nesse tipo de coisa, sim, comerciantes de commodities, estou falando sobre você :).
TC2000 & # 8211; 10/10.
A Telechart tem uma excelente variedade de indicadores técnicos e excelentes ferramentas de desenho, todos os grandes estão lá, OBV, RSI e Bollinger Bands para Fibonacci Fans e Andrews Pitchfork, eles também adicionaram Heiken Ashi Charts.
Com mais de 70 indicadores diferentes, você terá muito o que jogar. Eles também apresentaram alertas ao vivo que você pode configurar para enviar e-mail ou aparecer se um indicador ou linha de tendência for violado. Muito útil.
Round 6: Stock Systems, Backtesting & amp; Robotic Trading (Automação)
Resultados da Rodada 6: Sistemas de estoque e amp; Automação.
Há um grande contraste entre a competição nesta rodada, com 1 vencedor claro, o QuantShare. A diferença nas classificações é em grande parte reduzida se você precisa de Automação e Execução de Robótica.
No entanto, a TradeStation possui possibilidades de automação robótica e é digna de consideração. Também notável, embora não seja um vencedor claro no NinjaTrader, que também se especializa em automação.
QuantShare & # 8211; 10/10.
O QuantShare é especializado, como o nome sugere, ao permitir aos analistas da Quant itative a capacidade de compartilhar sistemas de estoque.
Isso significa que eles têm um enorme mercado de sistemas com muitos conteúdos acessíveis que você pode testar e usar.
Se você tem uma mente programática, você pode implementar e testar uma lista interminável de possibilidades. Eles também oferecem Point & amp; Clique na implementação dos sistemas também. O que é ótimo é que eles também têm integrações de Inteligência Artificial através do Otimizador de AI, o que permite que o sistema combine regras diferentes para ver quais regras funcionam melhor juntas. Eles também possuem poderosos modelos de previsão usando Redes Neurais.
Este é um software seriamente avançado para aqueles com inclinação para testar, prever, prever e automatizar.
Round 7: facilidade de uso, intuitivo, instalação simples e amp; experiência geral do usuário.
Resultados da Rodada 7: Facilidade de uso.
Existem grandes diferenças na facilidade de uso e experiência do usuário entre os diferentes pacotes de software de análise. Embora tenhamos 2 vencedores claros nesta seção, devo mencionar que a TradeStation, EquityFeed e Optuma são excelentes nesta área. O Optuma apenas é menor porque você precisará de uma máquina muito poderosa para executá-lo bem, então você precisa investir em hardware extra.
TC2000 & # 8211; 20/20.
TC2000 é fácil de usar e ainda muito poderoso. O design da interface atinge o equilíbrio certo entre parecer ótimo e ser instantaneamente útil.
Um foco pesado no gerenciamento da lista de vigilância, marcando ações, fazendo anotações e digitalização poderosa é fácil de usar e dominar. A configuração do software é completada em alguns minutos, mas também é executada perfeitamente em todos os dispositivos.
Marcas completas para TC2000.
TradingView & # 8211; 20/20.
O TradingView está sendo executado com um único clique. Clique no logotipo TradingView à esquerda e ele será executado instantaneamente. Não é mais fácil do que isso.
Ainda melhor é o fato de já estar configurado para uso. Todos os controles são intuitivos e os gráficos parecem incríveis. É uma façanha que é tão fácil de usar considerando que o TradingView tem tantos feeds de dados e energia de backend.
Final Bell: E os vencedores são & # 8230;
Conforme mencionado anteriormente, nenhum dos produtos são idênticos, existem muitos pontos fortes que são projetados para cada produto para atender às necessidades específicas. Como tal, a maioria dos pacotes pode ser recomendada para um público específico com base em seus pontos fortes. Nas análises resumidas a seguir, analisamos os benefícios de cada pacote.
TradingView & # 8211; Resultado 92%
Recomendado para Long-term U. S.A. & amp; Investidores internacionais que valorizam um ótimo preço, insanamente bom Fundamental & amp; Análise técnica com ótimos motores de notícias de transmissão e a melhor facilidade de uso.
Não há dúvida sobre isso, o TradingView invadiu a seção de vencedores da revisão em sua primeira tentativa. Passei 2 dias jogando com este software, e está realmente me fazendo pensar em deixar minha amada esposa TC2000. É uma competição curta e estou realmente chocado com o quão bom é.
Preço & amp; Software & # 8211; 10/10 & # 8211; Você pode ter o TradingView de graça, é um vencedor de revisão para a nossa Melhor Análise de Software de Gráficos Grátis. No entanto, existem limitações. Eu recomendaria ir para o PRO + a US $ 20 por mês ou o Premium a US $ 40 por mês, os benefícios são extensivos, incluindo atendimento ao cliente prioritário e tudo ilimitado.
Além disso, um enorme benefício é que a Velocidade e a Cobertura de Dados são essenciais, cobrindo literalmente todo mercado de ações no planeta e não apenas ações, mas ETF, fundos mútuos, Futuros, FOREX, Bonds & amp; CryptoCurrencies AT NO EXTRA COST.
Trade Management Score & # 8211; 8/10 & # 8211; Com o TradingView, você obtém a integração completa do corretor, você pode colocar trocas em gráficos e vai cuidar de Lucro & amp; Relatório e análise de perdas para você. A única coisa que não cobre é Stock Options Trading.
Digitalização Fundamental e amp; Screening & # 8211; 10/10 & # 8211; Outro 10 perfeito para o TradingView ao atingir a marca em tempo real de digitalização e filtragem, e as listas de vigilância fundamentais também. A lista de fundamentos que você pode digitalizar e amp; filtro é realmente enorme. Qualquer idéia que você tenha baseado nos fundamentos será coberta. Eles até têm quantidades insanas de dados econômicos, como taxas de fundos federais e crescimento econômico mundial, graças a uma conexão com o banco de dados QUANDL.
Médias móveis Ribbon & # 8211; Maravilhosamente implementado no TradingView.
Notícias & amp; Social Community Score & # 8211; 9/10 & # 8211; Assim que você se conectar ao TradingView, você percebe que isso também é desenvolvido para a comunidade. Você pode analisar idéias da comunidade, publicar seus gráficos e idéias e juntar-se a inúmeros grupos que cobrem tudo, desde obrigações até criptografia.
Os feeds de notícias estão totalmente integrados, incluindo Kiplinger, DailyFX, Futures Magazine, FXStreet e StockTwits. Adicione isso à rede social e você tem uma ótima solução. O serviço de notícias é apenas o segundo lugar para o MetaStock com a Reuters Feeds.
Análise Técnica Pontuação & # 8211; 10/10 & # 8211; com mais de 160 indicadores diferentes e gráficos de especialidades únicas, como LineBreak, Kagi, Heikin Ashi, Point & amp; Figura e Renko, você tem tudo que você precisa como comerciante avançado. Com a adesão Premium, você também obtém informações de Nível II, totalmente integradas.
TradingView & # 8211; Cartas insanamente bonitas, com uma enorme seleção de indicadores. Este gráfico caracteriza a fase da lua e as caixas Darvas.
Eu mencionei que os gráficos são rápidos e bonitos?
Sistemas, BackTesting & amp; Automated Trading Score & # 8211; 7/10 & # 8211; Bom, mas não perfeito. O TradingView possui uma comunidade ativa de pessoas que desenvolvem e vendem sistemas de análise de estoque e você pode criar e vender o seu próprio. Além disso, há uma grande quantidade de indicadores e sistemas da comunidade de graça.
As únicas coisas que você não pode fazer é prever e implementar Robotic Trading Automation. Para isso, você ficaria melhor com NinjaTrader, QuantShare ou TradeStation.
Pontos de Usabilidade & # 8211; 20/20 & # 8211; Dentro de 5 minutos eu estava usando TradingView, sem cartão de crédito, sem instalação, sem configurações de feeds de dados, estava literalmente apenas lá.
Telechart 2000 Review & # 8211; Worden Brothers Inc. & # 8211; 90%
Recomendado para Investidores de Longo Prazo nos EUA e / Canadá com um viés fundamental que precisa de rastreios poderosos e excelentes gráficos em todas as plataformas.
A Telechart tem sido uma das minhas ferramentas favoritas, tenho sido assinante há mais de 17 anos e encontrei a última versão v17.x para ser um grande passo em frente. Infinitamente personalizável e escalável, a plataforma oferece quase tudo o que um investidor pode precisar.
Preço e software 10/10 & # 8211; A Telechart é um grande bateador quando se trata de software e preços. Telechart é executado em tudo # 8211; seu iPhone, seu Tablet, seu Mac e seu PC. É razoável razoavelmente com uma estrutura de preços simples.
Se você negociar ações dos EUA, ETF & # 8217; S ou fundos mútuos, então esta é uma ótima solução. O Worden também oferece seminários regulares de treinamento ao vivo que são de uma qualidade muito alta.
Trade Management 9/10 & # 8211; Worden lançou recentemente TC2000Brokerage oferecendo serviços de corretagem de desconto de US $ 4,95 por comércio. Esta integração significa uma integração apertada para negociação de ações da tela, mas também uma das melhores implementações da negociação de opções de ações disponíveis.
Escaneamento e rastreio fundamental 10/10 & # 8211; Não se engane sobre isso, se você quiser fundamentos selecionados em tempo real em camadas com telas técnicas integradas em listas de vigilância ao vivo conectadas aos seus gráficos Telechart é um player de poder.
Notícias 8/10 & # 8211; Enquanto a Telechart não tem um elemento de notícias em tempo real, ele tem notícias integradas com conexões para o Google Finance, CNN, Yahoo Finance, MSN Money, Marketwatch e StockTwits. Se você quiser comunidade social e notícias integradas, você precisará reverter para o TC2000 v12.5.
Análise Técnica 9/10 & # 8211; A Telechart tem uma excelente variedade de indicadores técnicos e ferramentas de desenho, todos os grandes estão lá, de OBV, RSI e Bollinger Bands para Fibonacci Fans e Andrews Pitchfork. Com mais de 70 indicadores diferentes, você terá muito o que jogar. Eles também apresentaram alertas ao vivo que você pode configurar para enviar e-mail ou pop-up se um indicador ou linha de tendência for violado. Muito útil.
Sistemas de estoque e testes de volta 4/10 & # 8211; Se você deseja executar backtesting ou automação comercial poderosa, então o TC2000 não é para você. Você pode utilizar o produto complementar chamado StockFinder, se você for um membro Platinum e você especificamente pede para pedir. No entanto, o StockFinder não está mais em desenvolvimento ativo, o que é uma pena porque acho que é um dos melhores do mercado.
Facilidade de uso 20/20 & # 8211; Um dos pacotes mais fáceis de usar e mais poderosos disponível coloca a cereja no topo do bolo para os irmãos do Worden.
MetaStock & # 8211; Pontuação 85%
Recomendado para os comerciantes do dia e aqueles que precisam de excelentes notícias em tempo real, acesso a um enorme mercado de sistemas de estoque e análise técnica poderosa com cobertura global de dados, todos apoiados com excelentes serviços ao cliente.
O último lançamento do Metastock XV foi um grande sucesso com melhorias em todo o quadro. com enormes melhorias em Escaneamento, Back Testing e Forecasting tornando esta uma das melhores ofertas no mercado.
Preço e software 10/10 - O MetaStock é um dos maiores peixes do mercado de software de análise do mercado de ações. Com o respaldo da poderosa Thomson Reuters, você pode esperar excelente cobertura de dados globais rápidos e ampla cobertura de mercado, incluindo ações, futuros, Forex, ETF e opções.
Trade Management 4/10 - O MetaStock fornece integração de intermediários, mas a execução de trades de gráficos e análises P & amp; L integradas ao vivo é limitada.
Escaneamento e triagem fundamentais 10/10 - Usando o Eikon, você pode ver uma análise muito aprofundada dos fundamentos da empresa da estrutura da dívida para os 10 maiores investidores, incluindo o nível II. Excelentes listas de relógios com fundamentos e digitalização poderosa dos mercados obtém um 10 perfeito.
Notícias 10/10 - O MetaStock 12 possui integração completa do Eikon com notícias, análises e perspectivas institucionais. Este é o serviço de notícias global mais rápido disponível no mercado, incluindo traduções para todos os principais idiomas.
Análise Técnica 10/10 - A previsão Forex baseada no sentimento é uma característica que é absolutamente excepcional. Não importa a seleção mais ampla de indicadores de análise técnica no mercado hoje. MetaStock é o rei da análise técnica que garante um 10 perfeito.
Stock Systems e Back Testing 8/10 - Outra área onde o MetaStock é excelente, é o que eles chamam de consultores especializados. O MetaStock aproveita uma grande quantidade de sistemas incorporados que o ajudarão como iniciante ou comerciante intermediário a entender e lucrar com padrões de análise técnica e sistemas bem pesquisados. Esta é realmente uma área chave de vantagem. A maior adição ao arsenal MetaStock é a funcionalidade de previsão que se diferencia é da multidão.
Facilidade de uso 12/20 - O MetaStock ainda tem a sensação de uma coleção de aplicativos desenvolvidos separadamente que exigem a educação do usuário para fazê-los funcionarem juntos. No entanto, com a enorme seleção de consultores especializados # 82201 automatizados e # 8221; você pode implantar na seleção de ações em sua competência fazer o MetaStock valeu o investimento.
TradeStation & # 8211; Pontuação Pontuação 82%
Recomendado para a integração completa do corretor, comercializando gráficos e comerciantes freqüentes. Um excelente ponto de preço GRATUITO para clientes de corretagem.
A TradeStation é uma casa de corretagem líder com excelente execução e baixas comissões, mas você sabia que eles tinham um ótimo software também. O vencedor conjunto na revista TradeStation oferece o suficiente em sua integração de software e corretores para ficar alto com os outros fornecedores.
Preço & amp; Software & # 8211; 10/10 & # 8211; Com um preço de Free for Brokerage clientes e prêmios da Barrons para o software TradeStation é uma força a ser contada com. Excelente serviço ao cliente, boa formação e cobertura de dados de mercado global garantem a maior classificação nesta categoria.
Trade Management & # 8211; 10/10 & # 8211; Com a integração completa do corretor, a TradeStation pode oferecer negociação a partir de gráficos, análises em tempo real de P & amp; L e negociação automatizada como parte do pacote marcando um 10 perfeito.
Digitalização Fundamental e amp; Screening & # 8211; 9/10 & # 8211; A TradeStation oferece uma excelente variedade de opções e flexibilidade na triagem e filtragem do mercado, mas não apenas no volume, mas também em uma série de fundamentos, incluindo dados exóticos, como compromissos de comerciantes, comerciantes de insider e mesmo número de funcionários da empresa. Você pode literalmente exibir tudo o que você acha que vai te dar uma vantagem no mercado. Você também obtém o que eles chamam de tela de radar, que é muito rápido com alertas integrados.
Notícias & # 8211; 5/10 & # 8211; A TradeStation tem notícias em tempo real, o que é um excelente serviço, mas não consegue marcar as melhores notas aqui porque não fornece comentários de mercado ou comunidade de bate-papo. Mas você realmente precisa disso? Algumas pessoas fazem, é um fator a considerar.
Análise Técnica 9/10 & # 8211; Com mais de 145 indicadores técnicos diferentes, o TradeStation embala um grande soco no espaço de análise técnica. Os gráficos podem ser um pouco mais intuitivos para usar, e é por isso que ele não marca um 10 perfeito.
Stock Systems & amp; Back Testing & # 8211; 9/10 & # 8211; A TradeStation também cultivou um mercado de sistemas e estratégias chamado Rede de Estratégia & # 8220; # 8221; onde você pode comprar sistemas de mercado de ações de um ecossistema de fornecedores ou mesmo contratar alguém para desenvolver seu sistema para você no & # 8220; Easy Language & # 8221; código. Não é perfeito 10 nesta rodada, pois você precisará aprender código para desenvolver seu próprio sistema.
Facilidade de uso 18/20 & # 8211; O TradeStation é fácil de usar, mas extremamente poderoso também. É provavelmente devido a um lifting facial para torná-lo mais intuitivo para usar, mas, no entanto, é garantida uma boa pontuação de 8/10.
A TradeStation foi classificada como Melhor por Barrons:
Melhor para comerciantes frequentes Melhor para comerciantes internacionais Melhor experiência comercial e tecnologia.
Optuma by Market Analyst & # 8211; 80%
Recomendado para investidores profissionais de negociação frequente, que valorizam uma interface táctil habilitada para toque que funciona bem com feeds e terminais Bloomberg, recursos premium e o melhor conjunto de ferramentas Gann Analysis no mercado.
Analista de mercado está no mercado há quase 20 anos e atende a investidores individuais, bem como a gestores de fundos.
Preço e software 10/10 & # 8211; A Optuma está no topo quando se trata de preço e você precisará de um PC poderoso para executá-lo, mas com integração de dados IQFeed, GFT e MT4, ótimos serviços ao cliente e toda a gama de instrumentos cobertos (estoques, EFTs , Fundos Mútuos, Opções, Futuros, FOREX, Obrigações) pelo preço premium que você obtém o pacote premium.
Gráficos astrológicos inovadores com Optuma.
Trade Management 8/10 & # 8211; Enquanto você tem a capacidade de colocar trocas de gráficos, a Optuma não possui um conjunto completo de integrações de corretores.
Escaneamento e rastreio fundamental 10/10 & # 8211; Um perfeito 10 para seleção de sc fundamental para Optuma. Um mecanismo de digitalização e filtragem em tempo real bem pensado e as listas de vigilância fundamentais estão bem implementadas.
Notícias & amp; Social & # 8211; 8/10 & # 8211; Se você pode pagar ou ter um feed Bloomberg, você obterá os dados de mercado em tempo real de ponta que você precisa.
Análise Técnica 10/10 & # 8211; Outro 10 perfeito para Optuma. Uma fantástica série de indicadores técnicos e ferramentas de desenho. Especializado em ferramentas Gann com uma suíte completa, incluindo Gann Grid Lines, Gann Fans e Gann Swing.
Também estão incluídas Elliott Wave e Darvas Box, o conjunto completo de indicadores exóticos estão presentes. Para completar, eles também implementaram uma excelente suíte de análise astrológica como uma atualização para aqueles que acreditam nesse tipo de coisa, sim, comerciantes de commodities, estou falando sobre você :).
Ground Breaking Astrological Charts com Optuma.
Sistemas de estoque e testes de volta 8/10 e # 8211; O Analista de Mercado também possui back-testing bem coberto, com um conjunto de ferramentas de análise de sistema e backtesting bem implementados. O melhor da aula lá em cima com o MetaStock, QuantShare e NijaTrader como líderes da indústria, mas ao contrário dos outros, você não precisa de um Ph. D. em matemática para configurar e testar seu sistema.
Facilidade de uso 10/20 & # 8211; O Optuma requer uma estação de trabalho de PC de ponta para funcionar em velocidade, mas se você é um comerciante PRO, isso não é um problema. A interface, os atalhos, todo o processo de pensamento implementado na Optuma garante esta boa pontuação em uma seção importante. Eles também possuem uma extensa biblioteca de treinamento de vídeo que é muito valiosa para o novo cliente.
QuantShare & # 8211; Resultado 80%
Recomendado para Analistas Quantitativos que desenvolvem sistemas automatizados poderosos e valorizam uma enorme seleção de sistemas gerados por usuários compartilhados e poderosas ferramentas de análise técnica.
QuantShare foi novo para mim e fiquei agradavelmente surpreendido com o conjunto de recursos.
Preço e software 9/10 & # 8211; Uma solução extremamente econômica com integração em novas mídias sociais, como a StockTwits.
Trade Management 8/10 & # 8211; QuantShare scores well in this round, enabling a selection of Broker integration to automate trade management.
Fundamental Scanning and Screening 9/10 – There is certainly a huge selection of fundamentals to be able to scan against, the usability could be improved. Watch-lists can be tricky to set up. Further development required here.
Notícias & amp; Social 7/10 – Including news and the StockTwits integration save the day here for QuantShare, the news is not real-time but certainly does add value.
There is a heavy focus on the sharing aspect of systems with sharing servers which enable people to connect and share systems, perfect for the quant.
Technical Analysis 9/10 – With the largest selection of technical indicators to choose from (520+) this package leads the way in the chart analysis stakes.
Stock Systems and Back Testing 10/10 – QuantShare specializes, as the name suggests, in allowing Quant itative Analysts the ability to Share stock systems.
This means they have a huge systems marketplace with a lot of accessible content that you can test and use.
If you have a programmatic mind you can implement and test an endless list of possibilities. They do also offer Point & Click implementation of systems also. What is great is they also have Artificial Intelligence integrations via the AI Optimizer, which allows for the system to combine different rules to see which rules work best together.
They also have powerful prediction models using Neural Networks.
This is seriously advanced software for those with the inclination to test, forecast, predict and automate.
Ease Of Use 12/20 – This software package is not the easiest to use and the interface requires serious development effort. The learning curve will take a time investment on your part.
Dear Readers/Vendors - this review was established to the best of our abilities with no intended inaccuracies. There are over 760 data points in this review if you spot any inaccuracies within this content please contact us here to have it corrected immediately.
So now it’s over to you, did you find this review useful, do you agree or disagree, have you found better software to be included in the review?
Let us know leave a comment below or Share with Friends.
And what’s about Multicharts and AmiBroker?
thanks for the tip, I will take a note to include them in the next review. If you would like to let me know your experiences, I would welcome them.
Could you help to provide a review on the Rockwell Traders PwerX software. Obrigado.
Hi Sekar, will do it in the next round of reviews. Thanks for the Tip 🙂
until now I never used one of these services, but when it comes to screening, how does it work:
Do I have to put in My own details for a good setup, or is there any (?) software that suggests me its own ideas [many different types you can think of, from classical technical analysis over Elliot-Waves to c-stick patterns]?!
So when it only comes to this – screening – what would you say is the best software?
Hi Andy, with the top packages you can screen on Fundamentals, e. g. Low PE, High EPS last quarter, increased revenue. You can also screen on technical analysis, price above 20 day moving average or stocks at 52 week low. It really depends on how you want to trade, on fundamentals or technicals or both. I prefer both. Stocks moving higher from a lower base, with good fundamentals. Both technical and fundamental work, and Metastock, TC2000 perform the job really well. If you are in the US and want to trade Fundamtals and technical via screening then TC2000 is really easy to use and very powerful. Metastock has powerful Advisor wizards for things like Elliot waves etc.
2018 review coming up soon folks, stay tuned.
Aww great looking forward to the updat.
You should have listed the also rans and their rating just so we know what were covered and what were left out. Also, perhaps you can do the same for scanners both stand alone as well as part of packages like above.
Good idea, I will add it for the 2018 version coming soon, thanks TR.
Have you ever evaluated Stockopedia, based in the UK? If not please consider taking a look at themin the future.
Hi Ron, I never heard of it. I just had a quick look, seems to have some good functionality, but quite expensive. I will check deeper next round.
Were is Wealth Lab . even if it is Fidelity’s.
Hi Bob, do you use wealth Lab, are they worth taking a look at? I did have a look at the software and site but with a cursory glance did not think it would make the list. Perhaps you can share your experiences either here or mail me and we can take a closer look in the next round.
Obrigado pela dica.
Barry, I just took a look at tradingview and I have been around some years investing, it loooks great, nice find. thanks for the ideas.
thanks Jay glad you liked it 🙂
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The Best Online Stock Trading Sites.
Latest Update December 13, 2017.
The 5 Best Online Stock Trading Sites.
Best for Cheap Trading: Ally Invest.
Ally Invest leads the industry in low-cost commissions structure for all kinds of investors, from high-net-worth individuals to beginning buy-and-hold traders. Even though a rash of brokers dropped their commissions in 2017 to be competitive with Ally Invest’s $4.95 flat rate, it keeps its edge with a zero account minimum and enticing discount for active investors –– equity trades drop to $3.95 for users with 30+ trades each quarter or a balance of $100,000. While cheaper trades can still be found (Robinhood’s mobile platform boasts totally commission-free stocks and ETFs, for example), Ally Invest’s platform and resources stand out with quality research and tools, including access to its online trader network.
Best for Beginners: E*Trade.
If you’re looking for something with an easy learning curve, but endless of room to grow, we recommend E*Trade. Its learning center is filled with educational videos, articles, and webinars to guide your through the basics. From there, you can stay up to date on investing news, reports, and commentary from their team of market analysts. Branch appointments are free to book, and online chat tools and 24-hour hotline are there to guide you from anywhere in the world. If you’re looking to expand your investing over time, E*Trade is equipped to handle everything from entry-level IRAs to aggressive trading of stocks and options.
Best Platform: TD Ameritrade.
TD Ameritrade offers two best-in-class platforms, designed for two types of investors. Trade Architect is good for beginners, or anyone who prefers a simplified, educational interface that can walk them through the ordering process and explain potential strategies. Thinkorswim, on the other hand, is a powerhouse designed for advanced investors. This platform regularly racks up praise and awards and offers superior tools and features — including research reports, real-time data, charts, and technical studies. Both platforms are free to use for any investor with a TD Ameritrade account, which for many investors makes the $6.95 commission worth it.
Best for Active Traders: OptionsHouse.
OptionsHouse is a top platform for investors with an options focus — but it’s the hands-down winner for active traders. Like Ally Invest, it’s been a longtime leader in rock-bottom pricing, with a flat $4.95 trade commission ($4.95 plus $0.50 per options contract) and, unlike many brokerages catering to active investors, no account minimums or inactivity fees. It’s also a standout with a streamlined interface and smart tools. It doesn’t offer currency trading, and has limited commission-free and transaction-free offerings, but its 2018 acquisition by E*Trade should help fill in those gaps as the two brokers continue merge.
Best Research & Tools: Fidelity.
Fidelity wins for its quantity and quality of trading and investing research — ideal for the DIY investor looking to unleash their potential. Featuring research from more than 20 providers, plus stellar execution, it’s no surprise Fidelity was awarded best overall online stock broker in 2018 by both Barron’s and Kiplinger . And Fidelity shows no signs of slowing down. In early 2017, Fidelity lowered its commissions from $7.95 to $4.95, a sign that it’s looking to become a bigger player in the discount scene, as opposed to the high net-worth individuals it historically has catered to. It still reserves some of its tools and features for high-volume, active traders, but looking forward, Fidelity is going to get harder and harder to beat.
How We Found the Best Online Stock Trading Sites.
It’s a tumultuous time for online stock brokers. The players have largely remained the same, but between significant cuts in commissions and a few major acquisitions (E*Trade acquired OptionsHouse; TD Ameritrade and Scottrade merged; Ally Invest now lives under Ally Bank), the competition is fierce.
This is all to say there is no one best online stock broker, but each one has different strengths and weaknesses. Our mission is to spotlight those, and help you find the best one for your investing style.
Nós alavancamos a experiência de dois comerciantes de ações - um ex-comerciante do dia e um comentador financeiro que tem negociado há mais de 20 anos - para cavar em 13 dos sites de ações mais populares online.
Different investors are going to prioritize different things — a day trader, for example, requires speed and flexibility; whereas a beginning trader may value educational resources and customer support. But one thing every trader should care about is cost, so we spent a lot of time balancing price with what each site offered. A few of the fees we analyzed include:
Cost per transaction: Commissions are typically an investor’s biggest cost base. In 2018, a typical unassisted transaction fee averaged about $8, but early 2017 saw a slew of brokers decrease their commission, including Fidelity, E*Trade, and TD Ameritrade. Now, many trade for as low as $4.95, which is where, historically, only a few brokers, like Ally Invest and OptionsHouse, operated. No matter what the price, though, transparency is key. We wanted to see affordable pricing structures that were locked in for the long haul.
We also took note of new customer promotions, where brokers give you a chunk of free trades, usually based on how much you deposit. Promotions change regularly, but they can be a good indicator of the type of investor a broker is a good fit for. (Ally Invest, for example, offers incentives for deposits as low as $500, whereas Fidelity Investments has a higher barrier for entry — a $50,000 deposit to get 300 free trades.) Another thing we compared: how many commission-free ETFs a broker offered.
Account minimums: Seeing your nest egg shrink due to a tough market or bad strategy isn’t fun. It’s worse if you’re also getting dinged by your broker’s minimum account balance requirement.
Charges for data, research, and tools: All the best online stock trading sites have quality market data like real-time quotes, educational resources, and stock-screening tools built right into their platforms. But some, like Fidelity and TD Ameritrade, stand out for also providing top-shelf resources, totally free of charge.
Extra costs: There are lots of brokers that boast having financial experts on-call 24 hours a day to help you make a trade, but don’t tell you those services come with additional fees. (Executing a trade over the phone, for example, can increase an $8 commission fee to $25 or more.) Some platforms do offer free education on sophisticated strategies like options and futures, but require an upgraded platform with an annual fee.
There are plenty of additional fees that may crop up along the way (we discuss some of the more common ones here), but for pretty much every investor, cheaper will always be better. Depending on your strategy — trading on margin, for example — increased fees might just be the cost of doing business, but we looked to mitigate these costs in our top picks.
Alongside cost, we also valued educational resources, reports and tools, and the usability of the platform itself. Our expert users took each broker for a test-drive and weighed in on standout features. We also took ratings from investment publications like Barron’s and Kiplinger into account.
Our Picks for the Best Online Stock Trading Sites.
Ally Invest Review.
Best for Cheap Trading.
You’re not going to find lower fees than Ally Invest, especially as an active investor. In a nutshell: It’s the most affordable broker there is, with a rock-bottom commission structure and easy entry point, plus a quality platform that gives you access to the entire universe of stocks and ETFs. Where some discount brokers focus on only one kind of trader — options, for example, or high-net-worth investors — Ally Invest provides an excellent experience for investors of all kinds.
It’s the blend of great trading tools with low prices that makes Ally Invest a standout. A focus on discount costs can be a red flag for quality (what is it skimping on?), but Ally Invest truly delivers with sophisticated calculators, profit-loss estimators, and more. Ally Invest also offers a robust research library that incorporates visual slides and interactive media into its market data. Let’s dig into that discount pricing. At $4.95 a trade, Ally Invest’s fee structure is the lowest out there, matched (but never beat) by other players. Those low fees alone make it one of the best discount brokers, but they also have no inactivity charge and only a $50 full outgoing transfer fee. If you’re an active investor, 30+ trades per quarter or $100,000+ balance, you get a discount that takes equity trades down to $3.95. That significant discount makes Ally Invest the cheapest platform for active investors.
We’re not the only ones who think Ally Invest is a remarkable service. Barron’s has rated Ally Invest’s past self, TradeKing, at least 4 out of 5 stars for the past 10 years, and it regularly racked up kudos for its offerings with StockBrokers. But in 2017, there was a rash of price slashing from pretty much every top-tier discount broker, and the competition is getting stiffer. Case in point: Fidelity dropped its pricing from $6.95 to match the $4.95 flat rate of Ally Invest, but its perks aren’t quite as accessible for newcomers, and its barrier for entry is higher: You need to fund your account with at least $2,500, and it requires a $50,000 deposit to score the 300 commission-free trades it offers as a sign-up bonus. Vanguard, as another example, charges as much as $20 a transaction if you want to trade stocks or funds by another provider.
May 19th 2017 – Previously acquired by Ally Bank, TradeKing has been rebranded into Ally Bank’s own online trading platform, Ally Invest. Much of their interface, low prices, and offerings have remained the same, but some promotions and discounts are no longer offered. This review has been updated to reflect these changes.
*Fidelity requires a $2,500 deposit to open an account.
Ally Invest One of the most affordable platforms there is, with rock-bottom pricing and excellent tools. Even better — it's a discount broker that doesn't skimp on research or customer service.
E*Trade Review.
Melhor para iniciantes.
Promotion: 60 days of commission-free trades with $10,000 deposit.
New investors need two things from their online stock trading platform: an easy learning curve and lots of room to grow. E*Trade has both. Their platform boasts a library of educational videos, articles, and webinars for each type of investor. Once you’ve mastered the fundamentals, read up on market news, reports, and commentary from E*Trade analysts.
The only real drawback to E*Trade: Commission fees start at $6.95. It’s not until investors make more than 30 trades a quarter that the fees drop down to $4.95 that OptionsHouse and Ally Invest off up-front. While E*Trade can’t match OptionsHouse or Ally Invest’s low flat fees, it racks up points for its transparent pricing model. Take OptionsHouse, which E*Trade actually acquired in 2018. OptionsHouse is known for its super-low fees, but buried in the fine print, OptionsHouse says it actually charges $0.0005 per share on penny stocks. Let’s compare the two, imagining you execute 500 transactions in the quarter for about 50,000 shares each. That adds up to about a $500 transaction for a stock trading at 1 cent — pretty modest overall. With E*Trade, there are no surcharges for low-priced stocks and no inactivity or other surprise add-on fees.
For new investors, we also liked TD Ameritrade's platform, Trade Architect, which walks you through the ordering process as you use the interface. But when it comes to commission fees, TD Ameritrade falls short. Its fees stay at $6.95 per trade, for stocks, ETFs, and options. E*Trade does require an investment minimum for new brokerage accounts ($500), but for most investors, you’ll need at least that much to see real growth.
E*Trade Commission Structure.
OptionsHouse Commission Structure.
Even though the flat rates are the same after 30 trades, the per-share fee can really rack up if you’re trading a high volume of low-priced shares.
Beyond the math, though, E*Trade and Charles Schwab are very similar. In 2018, Barron’s rated them within one point of each other, and you can trust both these veteran brokers to have the resources, research, tools, and platforms to accommodate penny stock trading and far beyond.
$6.95, plus $0.75 per contract.
*Fees drop from $6.95 to $4.95 at 30 trades per quarter.
E*TRADE No surcharges for low-priced stocks, reasonable volume restriction, and a low minimum account balance make E*Trade a solid penny stock trader — especially for over 30 trades per quarter.
Promotion: 60 days of commission-free trades with $10,000 deposit.
TD Ameritrade Review.
Melhor Plataforma de Negociação.
Promotion: 60 days of commission-free trades with $3,000 deposit.
TD Ameritrade has been a powerful player in the online stock trading ecosystem for years, and even though its pricing structure is more expensive than some of the other discount brokers, there are many traders who think its best-in-class trading platforms, Trade Architect and thinkorswim, are worth it.
Trade Architect is often in the shadow of thinkorswim, but the web-based platform is streamlined and easy to use, and particularly appealing to beginning investors. It has a tab-based navigation that lets users flip between trading tools and their account overview, plus charts, stock screeners, heat maps, and more. Its Trade Finder feature is an excellent tool for novices, allowing investors to make some selections (think direction, timing, allocation), and then walking them through the ordering process while spotlighting different strategies that map to their selected guidelines. All-up, Trade Architect achieves a good balance of key information without being overwhelming.
Thinkorswim, on the other hand, is designed for advanced investors. It’s a desktop application that gives TD Ameritrade customers free access to tools and features that pretty much any other broker would charge a premium for, including research reports, real-time data, charts, and technical studies. Customizable workspaces, extensive third-party research, and a thriving trader chat room where investors can share strategies and tips are also included. Where Trade Architect keeps information overload in check, thinkorswim is a firehose.
Thinkorswim is a standout especially in options trading, with quick-to-get options-trading tabs (just click “spread” if you want a spread, and “single order” if you want one leg) plus just-in-time links that explain the strategies on the order page. Its Strategy Roller feature lets investors create custom covered calls and then roll those positions from expiration to expiration. There’s also a fully functional mobile app.
The flipside to such robust platforms is cost. Even though TD Ameritrade lowered its fees in 2017 from $9.99 to $6.95, pretty much every other major discount broker slashed its prices too — Fidelity, for example, dipped from $7.95 to $4.95. That means TD Ameritrade remains one of the more expensive options out there, even with over 100 commission-free ETFs. That said, it continues to be one of the largest trading platforms in the world, with nearly $740 billion in assets, and has ranked as the best platform for novices by Barron’s five years running. Since it acquired Scottrade, our favorite platform for beginners, in 2018, we can predict it will continue getting better and better over the coming years.
TD Ameritrade TD Ameritrade hosts Trade Architect and thinkorswim, two of the best-known platforms in the industry, and available to anyone with an account.
Promotion: 60 days of commission-free trades with $3,000 deposit.
Revista OptionsHouse.
Best for Active Traders.
Promotion: $1,000 commission-free trades with $5,000 deposit.
If you already have a firm handle on your investment strategy and want to maximize your profits, OptionsHouse is excellent. What it lacks in some of the investor education features that competitors like E*Trade and TD Ameritrade can claim, it makes up for with its low-cost, streamlined trading platform.
OptionsHouse’s biggest draw is its pricing structure: $4.95 plus $0.50 per contract, with absolutely no minimum to join or to maintain an account. A single-leg options contract is $5.45 all-in. Even better, the low prices apply to futures and stock trades as well, giving you a cost-effective way to manage your entire portfolio. (Who wants the hassle and cost of multiple brokers for multiple things?)
Along with competitive pricing, OptionsHouse has one of the most accessible platforms around: clean design, loads of information, and truly user-friendly tools. Trigger Alerts lets users set up their accounts to automatically purchase an order based on a particular scenario. For example, you can set an alert to buy any number of shares of one stock if its direct competitor falls by a certain percentage. When that’s triggered, you get an alert on any device that lets you confirm the purchase or ignore in one simple reply. Tools like tradeLAB help dissect options spread, with green smiley faces for the statistical probability of making a profit, and red frowns for a loss. OptionsHouse also offers a “dime buyback program” that makes it easy to close any short options without paying commission fees.
Barron’s named OptionsHouse “Best for Options Traders” and gave it a 4.5 out of 5 stars overall, and a perfect 5 for its mobile performance. Whether you prefer to trade via desktop, tablet, or mobile, its customizable interface seamlessly transitions between all three — though, admittedly, customers seem to love or hate the app.
Beginners to the more advanced world of options may feel more comfortable with the resources and education that E*Trade and TD Ameritrade excel at, including on-demand videos that show each click of a trade, webinars on strategy, and in-person tutorials at physical branches. (Since E*Trade acquired OptionsHouse in late 2018, we can anticipate a merger of tools, services, and support that will help OptionsHouse grow here, although it hasn’t happened yet.)
OptionsHouse does fall short in mutual funds — it charges $20 per trade, as opposed to Ally Invest’s $9.95 — currency trading, and commission-free ETFs, but for the active trader who know what they’re doing, it’s one of the best platforms available.
*Fees drop from $6.95 to $4.95 at 30 trades per quarter.
OptionsHouse An options-first broker that leads the competition in both price and platform. It stands out for having no minimum to join or to maintain an account.
Promotion: $1,000 commission-free trades with $5,000 deposit.
Revisão da fidelidade.
Best Research & Tools.
Promotion: 300 commission-free trades with $50,000 deposit.
If there’s a way to slice and dice the market, Fidelity has thought about it. Its platform wins for user-friendly design, plus there are tons of educational resources for deeper research. If you’re a do-it-yourselfer who enjoys geeking out over data and analysis, Fidelity’s tools will help take the guesswork out of finding funds and nosing out strategies.
We admired Fidelity’s platform that lets you explore your options with a slick and intuitive design, complete with color-coded rankings and charts that call out what’s important. You can sort stocks by size, performance, and even criteria like sales growth or profit growth. Want to sort ETFs by the sectors they focus on, or their expenses? Feito. There’s even a box to check if you want to only explore Fidelity’s commission-free offerings. A few other discount brokers do offer screeners, but none match the depth and user-friendliness of Fidelity’s.
When it comes to research, Fidelity is pretty much in a league of its own. The intellectually curious can dive into research from more than 20 providers, including Recognia, Ned Davis, and McLean Capital Management. Fidelity’s Learning Center featured videos are organized by topic – including not just the concept, but also how to apply those concepts to your own investments using the Fidelity platform. It’s a powerful way to learn investing techniques and immediately put them to practice.
Fidelity’s accolades keep stacking up. Kiplinger ’s 2018 Online Broker Survey ranked Fidelity best overall against seven other major brokers. Investor’s Business Daily ranked Fidelity among its top five brokers based on site performance, research tools, and customer service. Barron’s 2018 Online Broker Survey compared 16 platforms, and awarded Fidelity with the top overall score of 34.9 out of a possible 40.0, stating, “Fidelity Investments made it to the top this year due to the variety of trading and investing tools, and the quality of its trade execution.”
Better yet, Fidelity dropped its commission fees from $7.95 to $4.95 in February 2017, making it competitive with other historically low-cost platforms like Ally Invest and OptionsHouse.
That said, some of Fidelity’s advanced tools are only available to high-volume traders (for example, charting with Recognia requires a significant 120 trades per year to use, and its Active Trader Pro requires 36 trades per year). TD Ameritrade stands out in contrast by offering its premium tools to anyone with an account. With that said, even Fidelity’s basic tools are high-quality enough to make it a top pick.
Fidelity Industry-leading research from over 20 providers make this the go-to broker for do-it-yourselfers who want to dig deep into the data.
Promotion: 300 commission-free trades with $50,000 deposit.
Você sabia?
Investments come in multiple shapes and sizes for different levels of expertise.
*Offers commission-free or transaction-free trading.
Stocks: a portion of a company ownership. The more valuable the company, the more valuable its stock. Unfortunately, the reverse is true as well. Level: beginner Bonds: a loan you make to a company or government in exchange for interest and the return of principle at some future date. If your city wants a new stadium, for example, it might issue a bond to pay for it. These investments are rated for safety by third-party companies, with AAA being the least risky. Level: beginner ETFs: short for exchange traded fund. These are investment funds that trade like a stock on a stock exchange, but their performance tracks an underlying basket of stocks. They provide diversification within one investment product, so they present lower risk than futures. Level: beginner Options: a contract between a buyer and a seller to buy or sell something at a specified price at a specified time, basically as a way to bet on the future price of an investment. Level: advanced Futures: short for futures contract. This is an agreement to buy or sell assets, such as commodities or shares, at a fixed price to be delivered and paid for at a later date. If you think you can speculate on next year’s price of gold, this fund is for you. Level: advanced Forex: short for foreign exchange. This market is for trading currencies and speculating on what today’s yen, for example, will cost tomorrow. Level: advanced.
Cheaper is always better for investors.
Warren Buffett is the best example to hit this point home. In 2008, he bet some hedge fund managers $1 million that they wouldn’t be able to make more money in a decade than a cheap, boring index fund. An index fund has a fixed portfolio of stocks that never change — and therefore don’t accrue a lot of fees – while more complex hedge fund strategies may pivot and rack up big costs along the way.
Buffett is so far ahead that he’ll almost certainly come out the winner when the contest ends in 2018. He’s beating his high-priced peers not because he’s scoring bigger gains, but because he reduced costs.
Let’s say you put $1,000 in a stock and the investment goes up to $1,200. Broker fees can have a big impact on your net returns — that is, your total investment profits after fees.
In order to beat that “two and twenty” fee structure, your investment has to perform really well to offset the additional costs — something that is a lot harder to control in the long term than costs.
A Few Other Fees and Costs to be Aware Of.
Broker fees are typically where most costs add up, but your investing strategy can also be a big source of expenses and fees.
The capital gains tax rate favors long-term investments. An investor who buys and sells their stocks within a few months will face a higher capital gains tax rate (25 percent) on their profits than an investor who buys and holds their stocks for a full year (15 percent). If you’re looking at a $10,000 profit, waiting those extra months could make a full $1,000 difference. Granted, there’s a risk to holding an investment, but if you’re close to that one-year cutoff, it might be worth it to sit tight for a few more weeks.
Mutual funds and ETFs come with their own set of fees too. Like broker fees, pay attention to the expense ratio (usually a percentage) of any mutual funds or ETFs you purchase in your account, even if you’re buying them commission-free. These extra fees are another big cost to investors, but they aren’t deducted from your account balance. Instead, these fees show up in the price on the ticker tape. That’s why many high-priced mutual funds’ and ETFs’ value per share doesn’t seem to change over time — any growth is offset by fees.
Also watch out for mutual funds that charge a front - or back-end load for each purchase or sale. These usually range from 0.5% to 1% and can add up quickly.
Tome uma atitude.
Play with your own fake money. Give yourself a few thousand in fake money and play investor for a bit while you get the hang of it. “Just start. Even with just a virtual portfolio. Start and then commit to building over time,” says Barratt. “Don’t expect anything major to happen in a short time — build your money muscles by taking risks in a virtual portfolio.” TD Ameritrade offers paperMoney, its virtual trading platform. If you open an account, OptionsHouse offers its paperTRADE account to test your strategies. Outside of actual trading sites, MarketWatch and Investopedia offer simulators to get you started.
Buy what you know. Our experts suggest you begin by looking at your own life. “Buy what you know, where you are. If you can, identify good companies locally,” says Randy Cameron, a portfolio manager and investment advisor with 35 years of experience. “Look for companies you and your friends are talking about, ones with plans to go national.” As for how much time and money you need, “Start with what you have,” he says. There is literally no minimum to get started. You can buy one share of a company if you like.
Don’t check your account too often. The best investors are in it for the long haul. Checking your account too often might make you react to the fluctuations in the market too quickly. Personal finance expert Ramit Sethi has written that you should check your investments, “probably every few months, with a major review every year.” On many sites, you can also set an alert if a stock dives. Other than that, just set a quarterly recurring appointment so you know you’ll handle it at the right time.
More Online Stock Trading Site Reviews.
We’ve been looking into online stock trading sites for a few years now, and you can check out some of our other reviews. They aren’t consistent with our latest round of research (yet!) so be on the lookout for updates in the coming weeks:
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Top 6 Best Stock Market Software - Detailed Reviews – Updated 2018.
TOP 6 Stock Market Analysis Software Reviews.
The In-Depth 800 Point Analysis of all 12 vendors in the review can be found here. This article highlights only the winners and recommended software.
When it comes to Stock Analysis Packages, no two products are identical, there are many strengths that are designed for each product to suit specific needs.
As such most of the packages can be recommended to a specific audience based on their strengths. In the following detailed reviews, we look at the benefits and breakdown each package.
The Type of Trader / Investor Your Are Defines Which Product is Best For You.
(Click your investing style below to jump to the Product Best Meeting Your Needs)
TradingView 2018 Review.
Chocante! Simples e Extremely Powerful Charting Software, 1st Class Analytics IS THIS the best package available?
TradingView & # 8211; Result 92%
Recommended for Long-Term U. S.A. & International Investors who value a great price, insanely good Fundamental & Technical Analysis with great streaming news engines and the best ease of use.
There is no doubt about it, TradingView has stormed into the Review Winners section in its first try. I spent 2 days playing with this software, and it is seriously making me think about leaving my beloved wife TC2000. It is a close run competition and I am genuinely shocked at how good it is.
Preço & amp; Software – 10/10.
You can have TradingView for free, it is a review winner for our Best Free Charting Software Review. However, there are limitations.
I would recommend going for the PRO+ at $19.95 per month or the Premium at $39.95 per month, the benefits are extensive including Priority Customer Support and unlimited everything.
If you want the intraday spread charts & custom chats opt for Pro+. In any case, try it out completely Free and play around with it to see if you like it.
TradingView runs on PC, Mac, Tablets and Smartphones and requires Zero Installation, it simply works.
The Market data is huge, covering nearly all Stock Markets and it includes Stock, ETF’s Futures, Foreign Exchange & Bonds, all at no extra price, which means outstanding value for money combined with excellent support options.
Also, a huge benefit is that the Data Speed and Coverage are mind-blowing, covering literally every stock market on the planet and not just stocks but ETF’s, Mutual Funds, Futures, FOREX, Bonds & CryptoCurrencies AT NO EXTRA COST .
Trade Management Score – 8/10.
With TradingView you get full broker integration, you can place trades on charts and it will take care of Profit & Loss reporting and analysis for you. the only thing it does not cover is Stock Options Trading.
Fundamental Scanning & Screening – 10/10.
Another perfect 10 for TradingView as they hit the mark on Real-time scanning and filtering, and fundamental watchlists also.
The list of fundamentals you can scan & filter on is truly huge. Any idea you have based on fundamentals will be covered. They even have insane amounts of economic data like Federal Funds Rates and World Economic Growth, thanks to a connection to the QUANDL database.
TradingView has a very slick system and they have put a huge amount of thought into how Fundamentals Integrate into the analytics system.
Watchlists have fundamentals broken into Performance, Valuation, Dividends, Margin, Income Statement and Balance Sheet. You can set the watchlist and filters to refresh every minute if you wish.
What makes TradingView stand out is the huge selection of economic indicators you can map and compare on a chart. For example, you can compare the Civilian Unemployment Rate versus the growth in Company Profits for the U. S.A. This is incredibly powerful.
Moving Averages Ribbon – Beautifully Implemented In TradingView.
Notícias & amp; Social Community Score – 9/10.
TradingView is built with social at the forefront. Fully integrated chat systems, chat forums and an excellent way to share your drawings and analysis with a single click to any group or forum.
This makes for an excellent way to generate ideas or learn from other traders. You have to try it and see it in action to understand the power of the implementation.
They have also thoughtfully integrated a Kiplinger newsfeed, Stocktwits, and various FX newsfeeds. With a social first development methodology, combined with powerful economy statistics and a solid newsfeed it is a great package.
As soon as you connect to TradingView you realize this is also developed for the community. You can look at community ideas, post your charts and ideas and join limitless numbers of groups covering everything from Bonds to Cryptocurrencies.
The news feeds are fully integrated, including Kiplinger, DailyFX, Futures Magazine, FXStreet, and StockTwits. Add that to the social network and you have a great solution. The news service is only second to MetaStock with their Reuters Feeds.
Technical Analysis Score – 10/10.
With over 160 different indicators, and unique specialty charts such as LineBreak, Kagi, Heikin Ashi, Point & Figure and Renko, you have everything you will need as an advanced trader. With the Premium membership, you also get Level II insight, fully integrated.
TradingView have over 160 different indicators, covering everything you could possibly need, unless you need the Volume at Price Indicator.
On the downside compared to its competition, it is a little weak on drawing tools, offering only Trend Lines, Pitchfork and XABCD Pattern.
So why does it score so highly and rank as a winner in this section?
I was incredibly impressed with the offering of Kagi, Heikin Ashi and Renko Charts including Point & Figure and Line Break.
Also, the user community has developed indicators as exotic as Moon Phase (see chart below).
With this selection of charts, you have everything you will need as an advanced trader. Plus, with the Premium membership, you also get Level II insight, fully integrated. Well done TradingView.
TradingView & # 8211; Insanely Beautiful Charts, with a massive selection of indicators. This Chart Feature Moon phase and Darvas Boxes.
Did I mention the charts are fast and beautiful?
Systems, BackTesting & Automated Trading Score – 7/10.
Good but not perfect. TradingView has an active community of people developing and selling stock analysis systems and you can create and sell your own. Also, there are a huge number of indicators and systems from the community for free.
The only things you cannot do is forecast and implement Robotic Trading Automation. For that, you would be better off with NinjaTrader, QuantShare or TradeStation.
Usability Points – 20/20.
Within 5 minutes I was using TradingView, no credit card, no installation, no configuring data feeds, it was literally just there.
TradingView is up and running with a single click.
Click on the TradingView logo on the left and it will be instantly running.
It does not get easier than that.
Even better is the fact it is already configured for use. All controls are intuitive and the charts look amazing. It is quite a feat that it is so easy to use considering TradingView has so many data feeds and backend power.
Telechart 2000 Review – Worden Brothers Inc. – 90%
Recommended for Long-Term Investors in the U. S.A. & Canada with a fundamental bias who need powerful screening and excellent charts on all platforms.
Telechart has long been one of my favorite tools, I have been a subscriber for over 17 years and find the latest release v17.x to be a huge step forward. Endlessly customizable and scalable the platform offers nearly everything an investor may need.
Pricing and Software – 10/10.
Telechart is a big hitter when it comes to software and pricing. Telechart runs on everything – your iPhone your Tablet, your Mac, and your PC. It is priced very reasonably with a simple pricing structure.
If you trade U. S. Stocks, ETF’s or Mutual Funds, then this is a great solution. Worden also provides regular live training seminars which are of a very high quality.
Trade Management – 9/10.
Worden recently released TC2000Brokerage offering discount brokerage services $4.95 per trade. This integration means a tight integration for trading stocks from the screen but also one of the best implementations of Stock Options trading available.
Fundamental Scanning and Screening – 10/10.
Make no mistake about it, if you want fundamentals screened in real-time layered with technical screens all integrated into live watch lists connected to your charts Telechart is a power player.
Notícias & amp; Social – 8/10.
While Telechart does not have a perceivable Real-Time news element, it does have integrated news with connections to Google Finance, CNN, Yahoo Finance, MSN Money, Marketwatch and StockTwits.
If you want social community and integrated news, you will need to roll back to TC2000 v12.5.
Análise Técnica & # 8211; 9/10.
Telechart has an excellent array of technical indicators and drawing tools, all the big ones are there, from OBV, RSI and Bollinger Bands to Fibonacci Fans and Andrews Pitchfork. With over 70 different indicators you will have plenty to play with. They have also introduced live alerts which you can configure to email or pop up if an indicators or trend line is breached. Very useful indeed.
Stock Systems and Back Testing – 4/10.
If you want to perform powerful backtesting or trading automation, then TC2000 is not for you. You may be able to utilize the add-on product called StockFinder, if you are a Platinum Member and you specifically call to ask for it. However, StockFinder is no longer in active development, which is a shame because I think it is one of the very best in the market.
Ease Of Use – 20/20.
One of the easiest to use and most powerful packages available places the icing on the cake for the Worden Brothers.
Some major improvements to TC2000 (Gold or Platinum):
Online—access from any computer anywhere (including your personal settings, WatchLists, etc) This is a huge step forward allowing you to access from any computer all your settings, stocks, notes, overcomes the restrictions of the previous version. Personal WatchLists—now shared across all Worden platforms – So being able to access the same watchlist from Stockfinder, Telechart 2007, Freestockcharts and in TC2000 More Data feeds (US—common, preferred, BB, PS; Canadian; Forex; Indexes) Bar Intervals—Daily and above; Intraday (supplied by BATS in Gold; full market real-time in Platinum) This is nice, the excellent near real-time feed from the BATS exchange now included in the new TC2000 free for gold members. Indicator Library There is a huge library available in the new version and the ability to overlay and daisy chain indicators QuickSort—fastest sorting ever! Superfast sorting and scanning. WatchList Columns—created by conditions directly from your charts . This is for those people who enjoy the benefits of Stockfinder but wish it was integrated into Telechart. News/notes window—streaming news, personal notes Improved Drawing Tools – A great new list of powerful tools including trend lines, Fibonacci, Gann, text and more. Alerts—trendline, price, condition & reminders – Get alerts to your inbox when a stock breaks through a trend line you have drawn. Impressionante. TC Menus—still have EasyScan, PCF’s, Custom Date Sort, etc. Full Integration with Twitter & Facebook Completely compatible with Macs as well as PC’s!
Interested in TC2000?
MetaStock & # 8211; Review Score 85%
Recommended for day traders and those who need excellent real-time news, access to a huge stock systems market and powerful technical analysis with global data coverage all backed up with excellent customer services.
The latest release of Metastock XV has been a big hit with improvements across the board. with huge improvements in Scanning, Back Testing and Forecasting making this one of the best offerings on the market.
Pricing and Software – 10/10.
MetaStock starts at a very reasonable $22 per month which unlocks the entire package, and as you will see that is a great package, including Reuters real-time news feeds and award-winning technical analysis and expert advisors for system backtesting and analysis.
It is designed only for the PC, but can be run on Mac with PC emulation software. You will need to download and install MetaStock and configure your specific data feeds for the markets you want to trade. So the software installation is not as slick and quick as competitors but the package is extremely powerful.
MetaStock has a clean sweep in terms of Stock Exchanges covered (e. g. All of them) and it covers ALL of the vehicles, stock, ETF’s Mutual Funds, Options, Futures Forex, and Bonds.
MetaStock is one of the biggest fish in the sea of stock market analysis software. Backed up by the mighty Thomson Reuters you can expect excellent fast global data coverage and broad market coverage including equities, futures, Forex, ETF’s and options.
Trade Management – 4/10.
MetaStock does provide broker integration but the execution of trades from charts and live integrated P&L analysis is limited, this is definately an area of improvement for the future..
Fundamental Scanning and Screening – 10/10.
As I mentioned MetaStock is owned by Thomson Reuters, who are without a doubt the biggest and best provider of real-time news and market analysis.
They also have an incredible database of global fundamental data, not just on companies but economies and industries.
The filtering & scanning possibilities are endless. I would like to see better integration within the MetaStock suite, bringing together the fundamentals and the technical analysis to enable better charting on fundamentals. However, the wealth of data is first class.
Using Eikon you can see a really in-depth analysis of company fundamentals from debt structure to top 10 investors, including level II. Excellent watch lists featuring fundamentals and powerful scanning of the markets gets a perfect 10.
Notícias & amp; Social – 10/10.
MetaStock 12 has full Eikon integration with institutional level news, analysis, and outlook. This is the fastest global news service available on the market including translations into all major languages.
MetaStock however, does not have any social elements, which under normal circumstances, would detract from the score, however, because the news feeds are so strong it warranted still a 10 out of 10.
Technical Analysis 10/10.
Forex forecasting based on sentiment is a feature that is absolutely exceptional. Never mind the broadest selection of technical analysis indicators on the market today. MetaStock is the king of technical analysis warranting a perfect 10.
MetaStock takes a clean sweep when it comes to Charting covering all the core chart types, but also includes, Point & Figure, Equivolume, and Market Profile charts.
When it comes to indicators, MetaStock has 300+ different types, including Darvas Box and Ichimoku Cloud. MetaStock will also help you develop you won indicators based on their coding system.
Finally, MetaStock racks up a perfect score on the drawing tools section, which includes Gann and Fibonacci tools.
Stock Systems and Back Testing 8/10.
Another area where MetaStock excels is what they call the expert advisors. MetaStock harnesses a huge amount of inbuilt systems that will help you as a beginner or intermediate trader understand and profit from technical analysis patterns and well-researched systems. This is really a key area of advantage. The biggest addition to the MetaStock arsenal is the forecasting functionality which sets is apart from the crowd.
Ease of Use 12/20.
MetaStock still has the feel of a collection of separately developed applications that require user’s education to make them work together. However, with the huge selection of automated expert advisors you can deploy on the selection of stocks in your purview make MetaStock well worth the investment.
Características especiais.
MetaStock features some industry-leading systems such as:
Power Strike – Opções de negociação.
PowerStrike relies on three phenomena of the market:
1. Stock prices are heavily influenced by trading near option strike price levels. These levels greatly influence where important buying and selling occur.
2. Support and resistance are based on the concentrated buying and selling of influential traders.
3. The human mind gravitates towards memorable, easy-to-remember numbers. These values are typical of option strike prices. Hence many traders' attention is drawn to these numbers providing the potential for even more "concentrated" comprando e vendendo.
All in all a top class showing from MetaStock, simply put one of the best packages available.
TradeStation & # 8211; Review Score 82%
Recommended for full broker integration, trading off charts and frequent traders. A great price point of FREE for brokerage clients.
TradeStation is a leading brokerage house with excellent execution and low commissions but did you know they have great software also. Joint winner in the review TradeStation offers enough in its software and broker integration to stand tall with the other vendors.
Preço & amp; Software – 10/10.
With a price point of Free for Brokerage clients and awards from Barrons for the software TradeStation is a force to be reckoned with. Excellent customer service, good training and global market data coverage warrant the highest rating in this category.
TradeStation offers their entire software – TradeStation Analytics for free if you are a brokerage client. If you only want the software, it will cost $249 per month for end of day data and $349 for real-time intraday data.
These “software only” costs are high because TradeStation wants you to be a brokerage client. But why not use them as your broker, their super low rates are excellent.
TradeStation has global data coverage and runs on all platforms and covers all vehicles except bonds. Add to this great customer service and you have an excellent all-round package.
Trade Management – 10/10.
TradeStation again scores 10 / 10 especially if you choose them as your broker, but they do integrate with other brokers if you go for the software only option.
A super slick implementation allows extremely quick execution and opens up the potential for automated system execution.
Fundamental Scanning & Screening – 9/10.
TradeStation offers an excellent array of choice and flexibility in market screening and filtering, but not just on volume but a host of fundamentals, including exotic data such as commitments of traders, insider traders and even number of company employees.
You can literally screen on anything you think will get you an edge in the market. You also get what they call radar screen which is really fast with integrated alerting.
Notícias & amp; Social – 5/10.
TradeStation has real-time news which is an excellent service but only fails to score top marks here because it does not provide market commentary or a chat community. But do you really need that? Some people do, its a factor to consider.
Technical Analysis 9/10.
With over 145 different technical indicators TradeStation packs a big punch in the technical analysis space. The charts could be a little more intuitive to use which is why it does not score a perfect 10.
Stock Systems & Back Testing – 9/10.
TradeStation has also cultivated a systems and strategies marketplace called the “Strategy Network” where you can purchase stock market systems from an ecosystem of vendors or even contract someone to develop your system for you in the “Easy Language” código.
No perfect 10 in this round as you will need to learn code to develop your own system.
Ease of Use 18/20.
TradeStation is easy to use, but extremely powerful also. It is probably due to a face-lift to make it more intuitive to use, but none the less a good score of 8/10 is warranted.
TradeStation was ranked Best by Barrons:
Best for Frequent Traders Best for International Traders Best Trading Experience and Technology.
Optuma by Market Analyst – 80%
Recommended for professional frequent trading investors, who value a slick touch-enabled interface which operates well with Bloomberg feeds and terminals, premium features and the best Gann Analysis toolset on the market.
Market Analyst has been in the market for almost 20 years and they cater to individual investors as well as to fund managers.
Pricing and Software – 10/10.
Optuma is at the top end when it comes to price and you will need a powerful PC to run it, but with IQFeed, GFT and MT4 data integration’s, great customer services and the full range of instruments covered (Stocks, EFTs, Mutual Funds, Options, Futures, FOREX, Bonds) for the premium price you get the premium package.
Breakthrough Astrological Charts with Optuma.
Trade Management – 8/10.
While you have the ability to place trades from charts, Optuma does not have a full suite of broker integrations.
Fundamental Scanning and Screening – 10/10.
Optuma is squarely aimed, as you can see from the price, at professional traders and wealth managers.
Their clients are tier 1 Wall Street Investment houses. But you can still take advantage of their first class solution. If you have a Bloomberg feed already established this also offers a new world of data and fundamental analytics. This slick integration of fundamentals into the charting and analysis means this is a significant improvement over a Bloomberg terminal and warrants is as a Round 3 Winner.
A perfect 10 for fundamental screening for Optuma. A well thought out real-time scanning and filtering engine and the fundamental watchlists are well implemented.
Notícias & amp; Social – 8/10.
If you can afford or have a Bloomberg feed then you will get the top end real-time market data you need.
Análise Técnica & # 8211; 10/10.
Another perfect 10 for Optuma. A fantastic array of technical indicators (400+) and drawing tools. Specializing in Gann tools with a full suite including Gann Grid Lines, Gann Fans, and Gann Swing.
Also included are Elliott Wave and Darvas Box, the full set of exotic indicators are present.
To top it off they have also implemented an excellent astrological analysis suite as an upgrade for those of you who believe in that sort of thing, yes commodity traders I am talking about you :).
Ground Breaking Astrological Charts with Optuma.
Stock Systems and Back Testing – 8/10.
Market Analyst has back-testing well covered also, with a well-implemented backtesting and system analysis toolset. Best in class up there with MetaStock, QuantShare, and NijaTrader as the industry leaders, but unlike the others, you do not need a Ph. D. in mathematics to setup and test your system.
Ease Of Use 10/20.
Optuma requires a High-End PC workstation to function at speed, but if you are a PRO trader this is not a problem.
The interface, the shortcuts, the whole thought process implemented into Optuma does warrant this good score in an important section. They also have an extensive video training library which is very valuable to the new customer.
QuantShare – Result 80%
Recommended for Quantitative Analysts who develop powerful automated systems and value a huge selection of shared user-generated systems and powerful technical analysis tools.
Do you BackTest, Forecast and Program Algorithms to Auto-Trade? The read our 2018 In-Depth Review of Quantshare’s AI and Neural Networks.
QuantShare was new to me and I was pleasantly surprised with the feature set.
Pricing and Software – 9/10.
An extremely cost-effective solution with integration into new social media outlets like StockTwits.
Trade Management – 8/10.
QuantShare scores well in this round, enabling a selection of Broker integration to automate trade management.
Fundamental Scanning and Screening – 9/10.
There is certainly a huge selection of fundamentals to be able to scan against, the usability could be improved. Watch-lists can be tricky to set up. Further development required here.
Notícias & amp; Social – 7/10.
Including news and the StockTwits integration save the day here for QuantShare, the news is not real-time but certainly does add value.
There is a heavy focus on the sharing aspect of systems with sharing servers which enable people to connect and share systems, perfect for the quant.
Technical Analysis 9/10.
With the largest selection of technical indicators to choose from (520+) this package leads the way in the chart analysis stakes.
Stock Systems and Back Testing 10/10.
QuantShare specializes, as the name suggests, in allowing Quant itative Analysts the ability to Share stock systems.
This means they have a huge systems marketplace with a lot of accessible content that you can test and use.
If you have a programmatic mind you can implement and test an endless list of possibilities. They do also offer Point & Click implementation of systems.
What is great is they also have Artificial Intelligence integrations via the AI Optimizer, which allows for the system to combine different rules to see which rules work best together.
They also have powerful prediction models using Neural Networks.
This is seriously advanced software for those with the inclination to test, forecast, predict and automate.
Ease Of Use 12/20.
This software package is not the easiest to use and the interface requires serious development effort. The learning curve will take a time investment on your part.
I’ve been wanting to get a stock market analyzer, and I think that being able to see them all compared like this will be helpful. I’m glad you mentioned that there are different stock market products that suit different needs. I’m going to have to see which of my needs are most important and try to find a analyzer that works best for me!
great stuff Jordan, let me know how you get on 🙂
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Top 10 Best Stock Market Analysis Software Review 2018.
Welcome to the most detailed Stock Trading Software Review on the web, we compare over 800 different features & functions of the best market analysis products available.
Por quê? So you can choose the very best package available to suit your investing style and budget. Not only will you find out which software best suits your trading style, you will be able to compare head to head all of the benefits, features, and prices.
The 2018 Stock Market Software Programs Review.
To get an advantage in the stock market you need a solid education, experience, patience and also the best tools.
In 2018, we reviewed over 30 vendor products, and ultimately this filters down to 10 highly rated software offerings from industry giants to new entrants.
It has been a great year in terms of innovation and we see some hot new entrants to the top 10 including TradingView & EquityFeed, jostling for position amongst our established giants like Worden TC2000, MetaStock & Tradestation.
And the is a surprise waiting…
7 Tough Rounds of Reviews & Comparações.
Click the round to jump to the section.
Round 1: Pricing & Software – Cost & Quality of the Software & Customer Service Round 2: Trade Management – Broker Integration – Live Trading From Charts & Position Management Round 3: Company Fundamentals Screening Integration Round 4: News Services & Social Integration Round 5: Technical Analysis – Charts, Indicators & Drawing Tools Round 6: Stock Systems, Backtesting & Robotic Trading (Automation) Round 7: Ease of Use, Intuitive, Simple Installation & overall user experience Final Bell : And the Winners Are…
The Type of Trader / Investor Your Are Defines Which Product is Best For You.
(Click your investing style below to jump to the Product Best Meeting Your Needs)
Round 1: Pricing & Software – Cost & Quality of the Software & Serviço ao cliente.
Round 1 Results – Preço & amp; Software – Winners.
This round was extremely competitive with 4 vendors leading the pack, but not by a wide margin.
TradingView & # 8211; 10/10.
TradingView offers 4 packages, starting at Free for a limited version of the toolset and moving to extremely competitively priced packages like Pro for $9.95, Pro+ for $19.95 and Premium for $39.95 per month.
I would recommend the Pro subscription as it enables nearly everything you would need. If you want the intraday spread charts & custom chats opt for Pro+. In any case, try it out completely Free and play around with it to see if you like it.
TradingView runs on PC, Mac, Tablets and Smartphones and requires Zero Installation, it simply works.
The Market data is huge, covering nearly all Stock Markets and it includes Stock, ETF’s Futures, Foreign Exchange & Bonds, all at no extra price, which means outstanding value for money combined with excellent support options.
MetaStock & # 8211; 10/10.
MetaStock starts at a very reasonable $22 per month which unlocks the entire package, and as you will see that is a great package, including Reuters real-time news feeds and award-winning technical analysis and expert advisors for system backtesting and analysis.
It is designed only for the PC, but can be run on Mac with PC emulation software. You will need to download and install MetaStock and configure your specific data feeds for the markets you want to trade. So the software installation is not as slick and quick as competitors but the package is extremely powerful.
MetaStock has a clean sweep in terms of Stock Exchanges covered (e. g. All of them) and it covers ALL of the vehicles, stock, ETF’s Mutual Funds, Options, Futures Forex, and Bonds.
TC2000 & # 8211; 10 / 10.
Worden Brothers continue their winning ways, which very competitive pricing starting at only $10 for the silver package. I would recommend gold to start with as you get a more powerful alerts engine and unlock the huge power of the Technical & Fundamental Scanning and Filtering that TC2000 is famous for.
TC2000 is aimed squarely at those trading Stocks, ETF’s, Mutual Funds and Options, specifically on the U. S.A and Canadian Markets.
The software is first class, runs on PC, Mac and Tablets SmartPhones, and requires Zero complex configuration. Support is excellent both on the forums or via the phone where you get to speak immediately with skilled personnel in the U. S.
If you have not selected a Broker, you should look at TC2000 as an option, they have their own brokerage with extremely competitive rates which also means you get full integration so you can trade Stocks & Options directly from your charts, a huge bonus.
TradeStation & # 8211; 10 / 10.
TradeStation offers their entire software – TradeStation Analytics for free if you are a brokerage client. If you only want the software, it will cost $249 per month for end of day data and $349 for real-time intraday data. These “software only” costs are high because TradeStation wants you to be a brokerage client. But why not use them as your broker, their super low rates are excellent.
TradeStation has global data coverage and runs on all platforms and covers all vehicles except bonds. Add to this great customer service and you have an excellent all-round package.
Round 2: Trade Management – Broker Integration – Live Trading From Charts & Gerenciamento de posição.
Round 2 Results – Trade Management Winners.
There are 3 clear winners in this section, those that offer direct integration from chart to trade execution.
TC2000 & # 8211; 10 / 10.
Worden Brothers make a clean sweep when it comes to trade management, with full Broker Integration (as long as you choose them as your broker).
TC2000 also offers fantastic options trading and integration, you can scan and filter on hundreds of Options Strategies and then execute and follow them directly from the charts.
Good Profit & Loss tracking & Analysis round off the package.
TradeStation & # 8211; 10 / 10.
TradeStation again scores 10 / 10 especially if you choose them as your broker, but they do integrate with other brokers if you go for the software only option.
A super slick implementation allows extremely quick execution and opens up the potential for automated system execution.
NinjaTrader – 10 / 10.
NinjaTrader has a huge user community who contribute to the development and improving the software. This leads to a solution that can integrate with TD Ameritrade, Interactive Brokers, and other FX brokers.
If you choose NinjaTrader as your broker, you will get the basic edition for free and the advantages of trading from charts and automated trade execution.
Round 3: Company Fundamentals Screening Integration.
Round 3 Results – Fundamentals – Winners.
This round produced 4 winners all tied with 10 out of 10, in fast 7 of the 10 have very good fundamentals integration.
TradingView & # 8211; 10/10.
TradingView has a very slick system and they have put a huge amount of thought into how Fundamentals Integrate into the analytics system.
Watchlists have fundamentals broken into Performance, Valuation, Dividends, Margin, Income Statement and Balance Sheet. You can set the watchlist and filters to refresh every minute if you wish.
What makes TradingView stand out is the huge selection of economic indicators you can map and compare on a chart. For example, you can compare the Civilian Unemployment Rate versus the growth in Company Profits for the U. S.A. This is incredibly powerful.
MetaStock & # 8211; 10/10.
MetaStock is owned by Thomson Reuters, who are without a doubt the biggest and best provider of real-time news and market analysis.
They also have an incredible database of global fundamental data, not just on companies but economies and industries. The filtering & scanning possibilities are endless. I would like to see better integration within the MetaStock suite, bringing together the fundamentals and the technical analysis to enable better charting on fundamentals. However, the wealth of data is first class.
Optuma – 10 / 10.
Optuma is squarely aimed, as you can see from the price, at professional traders and wealth managers. Their clients are tier 1 Wall Street Investment houses. But you can still take advantage of their first class solution. If you have a Bloomberg feed already established this also offers a new world of data and fundamental analytics. This slick integration of fundamentals into the charting and analysis means this is a significant improvement over a Bloomberg terminal and warrants is as a Round 3 Winner.
TC2000 & # 8211; 10 / 10.
I selected TC2000 as my tool of choice back in the year 2000 because it offered back then, simply the best implementation of fundamental scanning, filtering and sorting available on the market. 17 years later, they are still a leader in this section.
They offer a huge selection of fundamentals to choose from, but what makes it unique is the fact you can, with a few clicks, create your own indicators based on the fundamentals. You can then overlay the indicators directly on the charts, which opens up a whole new world and technical and fundamental analysis. 10 out of 10 for TC2000 again.
Round 4: News Services & Social Integration.
Round 4 Results: News & Social Integration.
In the news and social section, there are only 2 winners, both for different reasons. Leia mais para saber mais.
TradingView & # 8211; 10/10.
TradingView is built with social at the forefront. Fully integrated chat systems, chat forums and an excellent way to share your drawings and analysis with a single click to any group or forum.
This makes for an excellent way to generate ideas or learn from other traders. You have to try it and see it in action to understand the power of the implementation.
They have also thoughtfully integrated a Kiplinger newsfeed, Stocktwits, and various FX newsfeeds. With a social first development methodology, combined with powerful economy statistics and a solid newsfeed it is a great package.
MetaStock & # 8211; 10/10.
Thomson Reuters the king of the real-time newsfeed and global market data coverage is the owner of MetaStock, so you get the entire wealth of knowledge included in the package. This should not be underestimated.
MetaStock however, does not have any social elements, which under normal circumstances, would detract from the score, however, because the news feeds are so strong it warranted still a 10 out of 10.
EquityFeed – 9/10.
In second place and definitely worth mentioning this year is the deal news section in EquityFeed.
I really like the simple implementation, you can get the low down on contracts and deals struck between companies. This can give you an edge if you can quantify the impact of the deal on the companies bottom line.
EquityFeed also has a strong focus on news, but it is let down by having no social integration.
Round 5: Technical Analysis – Charts, Indicators & Drawing Tools.
Round 5 Results: Technical Analysis – Charts & Indicadores.
The technical analysis section is always extremely hard fought and this year the competition was fierce. We have 4 winners with 10 out of 10, but another 3 with 9 out of 10. This means whichever package you choose you will be well covered which any of the first 7 in the list.
Let’s take a look at the winners.
MetaStock & # 8211; 10/10.
MetaStock takes a clean sweep when it comes to Charting covering all the core chart types, but also includes, Point & Figure, Equivolume, and Market Profile charts.
When it comes to indicators, MetaStock has 300+ different types, including Darvas Box and Ichimoku Cloud. MetaStock will also help you develop you won indicators based on their coding system.
Finally, MetaStock racks up a perfect score on the drawing tools section, which includes Gann and Fibonacci tools.
TradingView & # 8211; 10/10.
TradingView have over 160 different indicators, covering everything you could possibly need, unless you need the Volume at Price Indicator.
On the downside compared to its competition, it is a little weak on drawing tools, offering only Trend Lines, Pitchfork and XABCD Pattern.
So why does it score so highly and rank as a winner in this section?
I was incredibly impressed with the offering of Kagi, Heikin Ashi and Renko Charts including Point & Figure and Line Break. Also, the user community has developed indicators as exotic as Moon Phase (see the final bell review below for more details).
With this selection of charts, you have everything you will need as an advanced trader. Plus, with the Premium membership, you also get Level II insight, fully integrated. Well done TradingView.
Optuma – 10 / 10.
Another perfect 10 for Optuma. A fantastic array (400+) of technical indicators and drawing tools. Specializing in Gann tools with a full suite including Gann Grid Lines, Gann Fans, and Gann Swing.
Also included are Elliott Wave and Darvas Box, the full set of exotic indicators are present.
To top it off they have also implemented an excellent astrological analysis suite as an upgrade for those of you who believe in that sort of thing, yes commodity traders I am talking about you :).
TC2000 & # 8211; 10 / 10.
Telechart has an excellent array of technical indicators and excellent drawing tools, all the big ones are there, from OBV, RSI and Bollinger Bands to Fibonacci Fans and Andrews Pitchfork, they have also added Heiken Ashi Charts.
With over 70 different indicators you will have plenty to play with. They have also introduced live alerts which you can configure to email or pop up if an indicator or trend line is breached. Very useful indeed.
Round 6: Stock Systems, Backtesting & Robotic Trading (Automation)
Round 6 Results: Stock Systems & Automação.
There is a big contrast between the competition in this round, with 1 clear winner, QuantShare. The difference in ratings is largely down to whether you need Robotic Trade Automation and Execution.
However, TradeStation does have robotic automation possibilities and is worthy of consideration. Also notable, although not a clear winner in NinjaTrader who also specialize in automation.
QuantShare – 10/10.
QuantShare specializes, as the name suggests, in allowing Quant itative Analysts the ability to Share stock systems.
This means they have a huge systems marketplace with a lot of accessible content that you can test and use.
If you have a programmatic mind you can implement and test an endless list of possibilities. They do also offer Point & Click implementation of systems also. What is great is they also have Artificial Intelligence integrations via the AI Optimizer, which allows for the system to combine different rules to see which rules work best together. They also have powerful prediction models using Neural Networks.
This is seriously advanced software for those with the inclination to test, forecast, predict and automate.
Round 7: Ease of Use, Intuitive, Simple Installation & overall user experience.
Round 7 Results: Ease of Use.
There are big differences in the ease of use and user experience between the different Analysis Software Packages. While we have 2 clear winners in this section, I need to mention that TradeStation, EquityFeed, and Optuma are all excellent in this area. Optuma only scores lower because you will need a very powerful machine to run it well, so you need to invest in extra hardware.
TC2000 & # 8211; 20/20.
TC2000 is easy to use and yet very powerful. The interface design strikes the right balance between looking great and being instantly useful.
A heavy focus on watchlist management, flagging stocks, making notes and powerful scanning make is easy to use and master. Software setup is completed in a few minutes, but it also runs perfectly across devices.
Full marks for TC2000.
TradingView & # 8211; 20/20.
TradingView is running with a single click. Click on the TradingView logo on the left and it will be instantly running. It does not get easier than that.
Even better is the fact it is already configured for use. All controls are intuitive and the charts look amazing. It is quite a feat that it is so easy to use considering TradingView has so many data feeds and backend power.
Final Bell: And the Winners Are…
As stated previously, no two products are identical, there are many strengths that are designed for each product to suit specific needs. As such, most of the packages can be recommended to a specific audience based on their strengths. In the following summary reviews, we look at the benefits of each package.
TradingView & # 8211; Result 92%
Recommended for Long-Term U. S.A. & International Investors who value a great price, insanely good Fundamental & Technical Analysis with great streaming news engines and the best ease of use.
There is no doubt about it, TradingView has stormed into the Review Winners section in its first try. I spent 2 days playing with this software, and it is seriously making me think about leaving my beloved wife TC2000. It is a close run competition and I am genuinely shocked at how good it is.
Preço & amp; Software – 10/10 & # 8211; You can have TradingView for free, it is a review winner for our Best Free Charting Software Review. However, there are limitations. I would recommend going for the PRO+ at $20 per month or the Premium at $40 per month, the benefits are extensive including Priority Customer Support and unlimited everything.
Also, a huge benefit is that the Data Speed and Coverage are mind-blowing, covering literally every stock market on the planet and not just stocks but ETF’s, Mutual Funds, Futures, FOREX, Bonds & CryptoCurrencies AT NO EXTRA COST .
Trade Management Score – 8/10 – with TradingView you get full broker integration, you can place trades on charts and it will take care of Profit & Loss reporting and analysis for you. the only thing it does not cover is Stock Options Trading.
Fundamental Scanning & Screening – 10/10 & # 8211; Another perfect 10 for TradingView as they hit the mark on Real-time scanning and filtering, and fundamental watchlists also. The list of fundamentals you can scan & filter on is truly huge. Any idea you have based on fundamentals will be covered. They even have insane amounts of economic data like Federal Funds Rates and World Economic Growth, thanks to a connection to the QUANDL database.
Moving Averages Ribbon – Beautifully Implemented In TradingView.
Notícias & amp; Social Community Score – 9/10 – as soon as you connect to TradingView you realize this is also developed for the community. You can look at community ideas, post your charts and ideas and join limitless numbers of groups covering everything from Bonds to Cryptocurrencies.
The news feeds are fully integrated, including Kiplinger, DailyFX, Futures Magazine, FXStreet, and StockTwits. Add that to the social network and you have a great solution. The news service is only second to MetaStock with their Reuters Feeds.
Technical Analysis Score – 10/10 & # 8211; with over 160 different indicators, and unique specialty charts such as LineBreak, Kagi, Heikin Ashi, Point & Figure and Renko, you have everything you will need as an advanced trader. With the Premium membership, you also get Level II insight, fully integrated.
TradingView & # 8211; Insanely Beautiful Charts, with a massive selection of indicators. This Chart Feature Moon phase and Darvas Boxes.
Did I mention the charts are fast and beautiful?
Systems, BackTesting & Automated Trading Score – 7/10 – Good but not perfect. TradingView has an active community of people developing and selling stock analysis systems and you can create and sell your own. Also, there are a huge number of indicators and systems from the community for free.
The only things you cannot do is forecast and implement Robotic Trading Automation. For that, you would be better off with NinjaTrader, QuantShare or TradeStation.
Usability Points – 20/20 – within 5 minutes I was using TradingView, no credit card, no installation, no configuring data feeds, it was literally just there.
Telechart 2000 Review – Worden Brothers Inc. – 90%
Recommended for Long-Term Investors in the U. S.A. & Canada with a fundamental bias who need powerful screening and excellent charts on all platforms.
Telechart has long been one of my favorite tools, I have been a subscriber for over 17 years and find the latest release v17.x to be a huge step forward. Endlessly customizable and scalable the platform offers nearly everything an investor may need.
Pricing and Software 10/10 – Telechart is a big hitter when it comes to software and pricing. Telechart runs on everything – your iPhone your Tablet, your Mac, and your PC. It is priced very reasonably with a simple pricing structure.
If you trade U. S. Stocks, ETF’s or Mutual Funds, then this is a great solution. Worden also provides regular live training seminars which are of a very high quality.
Trade Management 9/10 – Worden recently released TC2000Brokerage offering discount brokerage services $4.95 per trade. This integration means a tight integration for trading stocks from the screen but also one of the best implementations of Stock Options trading available.
Fundamental Scanning and Screening 10/10 – Make no mistake about it, if you want fundamentals screened in real-time layered with technical screens all integrated into live watch lists connected to your charts Telechart is a power player.
News 8/10 – While Telechart does not have a perceivable Real-Time news element, it does have integrated news with connections to Google Finance, CNN, Yahoo Finance, MSN Money, Marketwatch and StockTwits. If you want social community and integrated news, you will need to roll back to TC2000 v12.5.
Technical Analysis 9/10 – Telechart has an excellent array of technical indicators and drawing tools, all the big ones are there, from OBV, RSI and Bollinger Bands to Fibonacci Fans and Andrews Pitchfork. With over 70 different indicators you will have plenty to play with. They have also introduced live alerts which you can configure to email or pop up if an indicators or trend line is breached. Very useful indeed.
Stock Systems and Back Testing 4/10 – if you want to perform powerful backtesting or trading automation, then TC2000 is not for you. You may be able to utilize the add-on product called StockFinder, if you are a Platinum Member and you specifically call to ask for it. However, StockFinder is no longer in active development, which is a shame because I think it is one of the very best in the market.
Ease Of Use 20/20 – One of the easiest to use and most powerful packages available places the icing on the cake for the Worden Brothers.
MetaStock & # 8211; Review Score 85%
Recommended for day traders and those who need excellent real-time news, access to a huge stock systems market and powerful technical analysis with global data coverage all backed up with excellent customer services.
The latest release of Metastock XV has been a big hit with improvements across the board. with huge improvements in Scanning, Back Testing and Forecasting making this one of the best offerings on the market.
Pricing and Software 10/10 – MetaStock is one of the biggest fish in the sea of stock market analysis software. Backed up by the mighty Thomson Reuters you can expect excellent fast global data coverage and broad market coverage including equities, futures, Forex, ETF’s and options.
Trade Management 4/10 – MetaStock does provide broker integration but the execution of trades from charts and live integrated P&L analysis is limited.
Fundamental Scanning and Screening 10/10 – Using Eikon you can see a really in-depth analysis of company fundamentals from debt structure to top 10 investors, including level II. Excellent watch lists featuring fundamentals and powerful scanning of the markets gets a perfect 10.
News 10/10 – MetaStock 12 has full Eikon integration with institutional level news, analysis, and outlook. This is the fastest global news service available on the market including translations into all major languages.
Technical Analysis 10/10 – Forex forecasting based on sentiment is a feature that is absolutely exceptional. Never mind the broadest selection of technical analysis indicators on the market today. MetaStock is the king of technical analysis warranting a perfect 10.
Stock Systems and Back Testing 8/10 – Another area where MetaStock excels is what they call the expert advisors. MetaStock harnesses a huge amount of inbuilt systems that will help you as a beginner or intermediate trader understand and profit from technical analysis patterns and well-researched systems. This is really a key area of advantage. The biggest addition to the MetaStock arsenal is the forecasting functionality which sets is apart from the crowd.
Ease of Use 12/20– MetaStock still has the feel of a collection of separately developed applications that require user’s education to make them work together. However, with the huge selection of automated “expert advisors” you can deploy on the selection of stocks in your purview make MetaStock well worth the investment.
TradeStation & # 8211; Review Score 82%
Recommended for full broker integration, trading off charts and frequent traders. A great price point of FREE for brokerage clients.
TradeStation is a leading brokerage house with excellent execution and low commissions but did you know they have great software also. Joint winner in the review TradeStation offers enough in its software and broker integration to stand tall with the other vendors.
Preço & amp; Software – 10/10 & # 8211; With a price point of Free for Brokerage clients and awards from Barrons for the software TradeStation is a force to be reckoned with. Excellent customer service, good training and global market data coverage warrant the highest rating in this category.
Trade Management – 10/10 & # 8211; With full broker integration TradeStation can offer trading from charts, live P&L analysis and automated trading as part of the package scoring a perfect 10.
Fundamental Scanning & Screening – 9/10 – TradeStation offers an excellent array of choice and flexibility in market screening and filtering, but not just on volume but a host of fundamentals, including exotic data such as commitments of traders, insider traders and even number of company employees. You can literally screen on anything you think will get you an edge in the market. You also get what they call radar screen which is really fast with integrated alerting.
Notícias & # 8211; 5/10 – TradeStation has real-time news which is an excellent service but only fails to score top marks here because it does not provide market commentary or a chat community. But do you really need that? Some people do, its a factor to consider.
Technical Analysis 9/10 – With over 145 different technical indicators TradeStation packs a big punch in the technical analysis space. The charts could be a little more intuitive to use which is why it does not score a perfect 10.
Stock Systems & Back Testing – 9/10 – TradeStation has also cultivated a systems and strategies marketplace called the “Strategy Network” where you can purchase stock market systems from an ecosystem of vendors or even contract someone to develop your system for you in the “Easy Language” código. No perfect 10 in this round as you will need to learn code to develop your own system.
Ease of Use 18/20 – TradeStation is easy to use, but extremely powerful also. It is probably due to a face-lift to make it more intuitive to use, but none the less a good score of 8/10 is warranted.
TradeStation was ranked Best by Barrons:
Best for Frequent Traders Best for International Traders Best Trading Experience and Technology.
Optuma by Market Analyst – 80%
Recommended for professional frequent trading investors, who value a slick touch-enabled interface which operates well with Bloomberg feeds and terminals, premium features and the best Gann Analysis toolset on the market.
Market Analyst has been in the market for almost 20 years and they cater to individual investors as well as to fund managers.
Pricing and Software 10/10 – Optuma is at the top end when it comes to price and you will need a powerful PC to run it, but with IQFeed, GFT and MT4 data integration’s, great customer services and the full range of instruments covered (Stocks, EFTs, Mutual Funds, Options, Futures, FOREX, Bonds) for the premium price you get the premium package.
Breakthrough Astrological Charts with Optuma.
Trade Management 8/10 – While you have the ability to place trades from charts, Optuma does not have a full suite of broker integrations.
Fundamental Scanning and Screening 10/10 – A perfect 10 for fundamental sc screening for Optuma. A well thought out real-time scanning and filtering engine and the fundamental watchlists are well implemented.
Notícias & amp; Social – 8/10 – If you can afford or have a Bloomberg feed then you will get the top end real-time market data you need.
Technical Analysis 10/10 – Another perfect 10 for Optuma. A fantastic array of technical indicators and drawing tools. Specializing in Gann tools with a full suite including Gann Grid Lines, Gann Fans, and Gann Swing.
Also included are Elliott Wave and Darvas Box, the full set of exotic indicators are present. To top it off they have also implemented an excellent astrological analysis suite as an upgrade for those of you who believe in that sort of thing, yes commodity traders I am talking about you :).
Ground Breaking Astrological Charts with Optuma.
Stock Systems and Back Testing 8/10 – Market Analyst has back-testing well covered also, with a well-implemented backtesting and system analysis toolset. Best in class up there with MetaStock, QuantShare, and NijaTrader as the industry leaders, but unlike the others, you do not need a Ph. D. in mathematics to setup and test your system.
Ease Of Use 10/20 – Optuma requires a High-End PC workstation to function at speed, but if you are a PRO trader this is not a problem. The interface, the shortcuts, the whole thought process implemented into Optuma does warrant this good score in an important section. They also have an extensive video training library which is very valuable to the new customer.
QuantShare – Result 80%
Recommended for Quantitative Analysts who develop powerful automated systems and value a huge selection of shared user-generated systems and powerful technical analysis tools.
QuantShare was new to me and I was pleasantly surprised with the feature set.
Pricing and Software 9/10 – An extremely cost-effective solution with integration into new social media outlets like StockTwits.
Trade Management 8/10 – QuantShare scores well in this round, enabling a selection of Broker integration to automate trade management.
Fundamental Scanning and Screening 9/10 – There is certainly a huge selection of fundamentals to be able to scan against, the usability could be improved. Watch-lists can be tricky to set up. Further development required here.
Notícias & amp; Social 7/10 – Including news and the StockTwits integration save the day here for QuantShare, the news is not real-time but certainly does add value.
There is a heavy focus on the sharing aspect of systems with sharing servers which enable people to connect and share systems, perfect for the quant.
Technical Analysis 9/10 – With the largest selection of technical indicators to choose from (520+) this package leads the way in the chart analysis stakes.
Stock Systems and Back Testing 10/10 – QuantShare specializes, as the name suggests, in allowing Quant itative Analysts the ability to Share stock systems.
This means they have a huge systems marketplace with a lot of accessible content that you can test and use.
If you have a programmatic mind you can implement and test an endless list of possibilities. They do also offer Point & Click implementation of systems also. What is great is they also have Artificial Intelligence integrations via the AI Optimizer, which allows for the system to combine different rules to see which rules work best together.
They also have powerful prediction models using Neural Networks.
This is seriously advanced software for those with the inclination to test, forecast, predict and automate.
Ease Of Use 12/20 – This software package is not the easiest to use and the interface requires serious development effort. The learning curve will take a time investment on your part.
Dear Readers/Vendors - this review was established to the best of our abilities with no intended inaccuracies. There are over 760 data points in this review if you spot any inaccuracies within this content please contact us here to have it corrected immediately.
So now it’s over to you, did you find this review useful, do you agree or disagree, have you found better software to be included in the review?
Let us know leave a comment below or Share with Friends.
And what’s about Multicharts and AmiBroker?
thanks for the tip, I will take a note to include them in the next review. If you would like to let me know your experiences, I would welcome them.
Could you help to provide a review on the Rockwell Traders PwerX software. Obrigado.
Hi Sekar, will do it in the next round of reviews. Thanks for the Tip 🙂
until now I never used one of these services, but when it comes to screening, how does it work:
Do I have to put in My own details for a good setup, or is there any (?) software that suggests me its own ideas [many different types you can think of, from classical technical analysis over Elliot-Waves to c-stick patterns]?!
So when it only comes to this – screening – what would you say is the best software?
Hi Andy, with the top packages you can screen on Fundamentals, e. g. Low PE, High EPS last quarter, increased revenue. You can also screen on technical analysis, price above 20 day moving average or stocks at 52 week low. It really depends on how you want to trade, on fundamentals or technicals or both. I prefer both. Stocks moving higher from a lower base, with good fundamentals. Both technical and fundamental work, and Metastock, TC2000 perform the job really well. If you are in the US and want to trade Fundamtals and technical via screening then TC2000 is really easy to use and very powerful. Metastock has powerful Advisor wizards for things like Elliot waves etc.
2018 review coming up soon folks, stay tuned.
Aww great looking forward to the updat.
You should have listed the also rans and their rating just so we know what were covered and what were left out. Also, perhaps you can do the same for scanners both stand alone as well as part of packages like above.
Good idea, I will add it for the 2018 version coming soon, thanks TR.
Have you ever evaluated Stockopedia, based in the UK? If not please consider taking a look at themin the future.
Hi Ron, I never heard of it. I just had a quick look, seems to have some good functionality, but quite expensive. I will check deeper next round.
Were is Wealth Lab . even if it is Fidelity’s.
Hi Bob, do you use wealth Lab, are they worth taking a look at? I did have a look at the software and site but with a cursory glance did not think it would make the list. Perhaps you can share your experiences either here or mail me and we can take a closer look in the next round.
Obrigado pela dica.
Barry, I just took a look at tradingview and I have been around some years investing, it loooks great, nice find. thanks for the ideas.
thanks Jay glad you liked it 🙂
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